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Five minutes with Benny Benassi

We grabbed a chat with the huge Italian DJ following his gig at the launch party of O1ne Yas Island

We grabbed a chat with the huge Italian DJ following his gig at the launch party of O1ne Yas Island.

I’m an alien from outer space. Describe your sound to me in as many words as you can.
Errrr… dirty, sweet, hard and fun.

What is the first and last record you bought?
The first record I bought was ‘Upside Down’ by Diana Ross, I think, and I just downloaded a few great clubtracks from Beatport.

The tune that will define 2013 for you?

One of the anthems must be the Showtek track [‘Booyah’]. Massive.

If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be?
Bono from U2. It would be a dream come true. I’m a huge fan.

What’s your most treasured possession?
I’m not too attached to things, to be honest. Maybe one of my bicycles.

What’s the strangest thing that’s ever happened to you, outside of work?

The answer is unfortunately not suitable for print.

What’s your greatest fear?
Becoming musically irrelevant without noticing it happening.

What’s your greatest achievement to date?
I won a Grammy for my remix of Public Enemy [‘Bring the Noise’], that was a big achievement.

What’s the worst night you’ve ever played and why? What went wrong?
There was a show in Florida a few years back where the power supply was cut off seven times during my set. It was a little hard to keep the atmosphere going.

If you hadn’t been a DJ, and had never fallen in love with music, what would you be doing today?
I would be riding a bike, and I still do when I have a day off somewhere.

The future of music is….?
About artists being true to themselves

What music do you love, and what do you love about music?

I listen to rock and pop music and even some jazz as well as dance music. I love any tune that makes me feel something. I’m always looking for an emotional reaction.

If you had a time machine and could go to any time, when would you choose?
The future. I’d love to see what the world will look like a hundred years from now.