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Ali Al Sayed in the hot seat

Emirati comedian and co-founder of Dubomedy talks comedy in the capital

Emirati comedian and co-founder of Dubomedy, Ali Al Sayed, is coming to the capital to perform for one night only on April 25. Caitlyn Davey found out what Abu Dhabi can expect…

So, you’re coming back to Abu Dhabi! Do you come here much?
Not as much as I would like to – I only get to do a few gigs a year.

You’re based in Dubai. Do you notice a difference between the audiences in Dubai and Abu Dhabi?
I think it’s the same type of audience – if anything, the audience in Abu Dhabi is more laid-back. They just take it all in, which is kind of relaxing. Not as rowdy as the crowd in Dubai!

Can you tell us a bit about how you come up with your material?
Jokes for me come from life. It’s all from personal experiences – whether it’s about travelling or something that happens to me. I will write it down, or key it into my phone, and hopefully it’s a good story. I like telling stories more than one-liners. Taking one thing that happened and expanding on it – exaggerating the story a little bit.

You do impressions in your act. How do you practise them to get them so right?
Actually, I don’t rehearse – which is probably a bad thing. I could probably get better if I did! I like to play it by ear. I feel like overdoing it could kill it, or it might offend the people I am doing an impression of. The rawer it is, the easier it is, I guess. I don’t really rehearse or practise at all.

Can we expect to see some new material in Abu Dhabi?
I’m going to be doing a few fresh jokes – I am working on my new special, so there are going to be some original jokes that I will be trying out on the audience. I will also be hosting this one so I am going to be interacting with the audience a lot more and that kind of stuff, so it’s going to be fun. I am looking forward to it.

You work both on stage and behind the scenes. Which do you prefer?
I’m the sort of guy who would throw you a surprise party just because I want to see the look on your face. I find the process just as beautiful as being on stage and performing. I’m specific with how I like the events that we produce – what they look like, the comedians we bring, seating arrangements – I want to be involved with every little thing. It is a lot more fun and it keeps me part of the community. Plus it keeps me humble and I just love it.

I couldn’t pick one if I had to. Do you source the comedians?
Yes, we are acutally bringing down Ron [Josol], who is a friend of ours. It’s pretty cool – we are going to be talking to a brand new audience in Abu Dhabi which is always something I enjoy.

Who is your favourite comedian of all time?
I have plenty. Chris Rock is one of my favourite comics. I also love George Carlin – he’s wonderful. I think he is a comedian’s comedian; in fact, I think he is every comedian’s favourite comedian. I also like Bernie Mac, Seinfeld… the list goes on!
See Ali at the Abu Dhabi Golf Club, April 25,