Posted inMusic

Dishing the dirrt

Singer, fashion icon, and now a wife and mother. Christina Aguilera talks about life, love, junk food and growing up.

The road to Abu Dhabi is a long one, it seems. Christina Aguilera’s rise to stardom began early in life at the ‘fame factory’ otherwise known as US kids’ TV show The New Mickey Mouse Club. It was here that she first appeared alongside pop peers Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears; both of whom she has since performed with live on stage, most notably with Britney alongside Madonna at the 2003 MTV Awards.

Indeed, Aguilera is no stranger to controversy. In 2002, having broken away from her ‘bubble-gum pop’ image, her Stripped album saw her adopt a new, sexier look epitomised by hit single ‘Dirrty’. It is something Aguilera the woman is comfortable with. But now as a wife, and more recently a mother, will she have to turn ‘respectable’? ‘Not at all,’ comes the reply. ‘The beauty about my marriage is that my husband, Jordan [Bratman], gives me such freedom. He gets what I do for a living. I wouldn’t have married a man who puts any bars up against anything that I need to do creatively.’

Certainly her 10-month-old son, Max Liron Bratman, should already be used to the celebrity life. People magazine reportedly paid a whopping US$1.5 million for the rights to his baby photos, making them the fifth most expensive ever (Jennifer Lopez tops the list with a reported US$6 million received for pics of twins Max and Em).

Indeed, family is important to Christina. ‘I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life,’ she beams. Perhaps all the moreso because it came as something of surprise to the 27-year-old star. ‘I was never one of those little girls that couldn’t wait to be married, or was planning my wedding, or what I’m going to wear when I walk down the aisle [she wore LaCroix]. But when things happen, they happen, and when it’s right… Jordan and I have been together for about seven years now and it’s getting better every day. I’m in awe of everything that is happening to us right now.’

Perhaps another reason for this disbelief is that her early experiences of family life were far from perfect. She is quick to praise her mother’s influence, but much has been spoken about her relationship with her Ecuadorian father, who was a sergeant in the US Army when he met her mother. Reports of abusive behaviour and his subsequent abandonment made growing up hard.

But the feisty singer remains defiant, and she believes that this only contributed to the strong woman she is today. ‘I think there was something that was instilled in me at a really young age,’ she says, ‘probably before I was even 10 years old, by just witnessing a lot of the abuse that had happened in my household. I think the experience made me feel this sense of power; to never ever want to feel helpless; to never want to need to ask anyone for anything. I was going to make-do on my own, in my own way, and I think that experience drove me to where I’m at now.’

It is Jordan, though, with whom she credits for helping her reconcile her troubled past. ‘I’m a very big thinker,’ she reveals. ‘I’m always in my head. And he works me out of those spaces. It means a lot to have someone like that around you.’

The petite singer is certainly looking good for it. Losing her baby weight was no problem, she claims. The only difficulty came in curbing her love junk of food. ‘I’m not a teenager anymore,’ she adds, ‘but it’s not just about looking good. I don’t want to get heart disease or cancer or anything like that. It’s important to take care of yourself, especially as a woman.’

It comes as no surprise that all of Christina’s icons are strong, independent women who have endured similarly turbulent lives. Jazz and blues singer Etta James and Madonna subsequently come up in conversation. The latter has been a huge influence, Christina explains: ‘She paved the way and has been thrown a lot of negativity during her career, but she kept on doing her own thing. I admire that strength and willpower.’ Ironically, it is Aguilera who is this time paving the way; despite rumours, Madonna is yet to confirm a date for the UAE.

Another notable trait the two stars share is a love of fashion. Vivienne Westwood, John Galliano, Christian LaCroix… Christina trots out her favourite designers like the names of beloved children. LaCroix especially she admires for his Latin influences, and the reason she enlisted him as her wedding gown designer. But having made both worst dressed lists and been the face of Versace, the young chanteuse is blasé about the perils of being a style icon. ‘If you want to make a statement, you have to take risks,’ she advises. ‘You can’t be afraid of what people say. Well behaved women never made history.’

It is worth pointing out that Aguilera is doing just that. As the biggest female pop singer ever to play Abu Dhabi, she is blazing a trail of her very own. However, her mind frequently wanders back to her family. Juggling touring and her newly enlarged clan is something she will have to ‘play by ear’, she explains. But one thing is for certain, when she arrives on stage at Emirate Palace this month, we can expect to see the same feisty, sexy pop icon we’ve always known. ‘That won’t change just because I’m a mommy,’ she declares. Certainly Christina, Jordan and little Max wouldn’t have it any other way, and neither would we.

Christina Aguilera plays at Emirates Palace on October 24, show starts 9pm. Tickets Dhs295-890