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A Deighton with destiny

Paul Deighton of ‘Omega 33’ fame is headlining Ministry Of Sound’s Housexy night this month; we found out more.

Tell us about how you first got into dance music.
In 1989, back when dinosaurs ruled the earth, I met a few DJs who took me to some wicked nights like Customs in Grimsby, where Nills Hess was a resident there. They held some of the very first legal all-nighters there.

Most people would kill to be a Housexy resident. How did you get to join them?
That’s really down to label manager Matt Stuart and album DJ Richard Murray. I remember going to my first night at Ministry Of Sound London; I was white faced, couldn’t speak and was trembling. Matt turned to me and said, ‘Don’t worry mate… you’re only playing one of the most famous clubs in the world,’ and laughed at me… I’m lucky, though. Housexy has since taken me across the world to play in some of the most lavish venues – not all DJs get that chance.

Where’s the most spectacular place you’ve played for Housexy?
I reckon it has to be Club Most in Moscow. It’s not a huge venue, but the décor and style of the place are amazing. The club is owned by Roman Abramovich, so there were definitely no expense spared there.

Have you played any Middle Eastern sets before?
I’ve played in Club Seven in Bahrain about three times now; the crowd there are awesome. I anticipate Abu Dhabi to be just as good, but with a different edge.

What can we expect from you on the night?
Housexy style all the way, baby! I used to try and plan sets, but not any more. I now take plenty of options with me, so I can work it out there and then… it’s amazing when it’s a natural flow; it could go one way and then another. It’s more rewarding when it’s a natural vibe that’s flowing.

Your tunes play with heavy, dark sounds; does your music reflect your personality at all?
Not at all; the tones may be dark and dirty, but the melody can come from something quite soulful. I produce the funky stuff too. My music’s a mixture of lots of styles, and I have loads of fun making it.

Where do you begin when you’re making a new track?
I don’t have a set process, which is a bad habit. I work very randomly, depending on what mood I’m in and how many glasses of wine I’ve had. Sometimes what I make is great, sometimes it’s utter pap! My mate and production partner Richard Murray puts a stop to that every time. He’s a true pro; a meticulous producer and great fun to work with.

A completely different Paul Deighton is running the 2012 London Olympics…
I remember when he was appointed; I had about 10,000 hits a day on my website, which put me at No 1 in any Google search. I thought it amusing that all those people searching for background on him would get a little blast of ‘Omega 33’.

Tell us something that you’ve never told a magazine before.
I slept under the bridge at the end of Banff main street in Canada. Also under there was the only homeless girl in Banff. That was in 1996. I revisited it 12 years later while playing Club Europe with Housexy. The only downer on the night was discovering that they’ve put iron bars over the ledge to stop people sleeping under it. I had to stay in the five-star hotel up the road. Gutted!

Paul plays Ministry Of Sound Presents… on July 10. Also see