Posted inMusic

Did they do that?

The week’s funniest clips

Star Wars quartet

We know we’re given to hyperbole, but this might genuinely be the best thing ever: one bloke, four recordings, the best tunes from score maestro John Williams and the plot of the first three Star Wars movies (by which we mean the ’70s ones, not the new nonsense) collide in four minutes of YouTube-justifying brilliance.

Search YouTube for: A capella Star Wars

Dead good

Not a YouTube video this one, but we won’t let consistency stand in the way of brilliance. To advertise the Wii edition of ace, blood-filled zombie game Dead Rising, the makers have put together this goofy video full of dancing zombies and Three Stooges gags. And the squeamish can relax – the gory stuff’s been censored.

To see the video, visit: