Posted inMusic

A funny thing

Canadian comic Tom Stade talks about his imminent gig at Heroes and trying to curb his wicked streak

Is this your first time in Dhabi?
No. I’ve been down there three or four times before, man.

Your act normally tackles issues a little more acceptable in the West. Will you change your act?
Not really. It’s a sensitive place, man – it isn’t like downtown London. But, barring the obvious, you just stay away from more delicate matters you wouldn’t normally stay away from.

So your act changes?
Yeah, of course it does. Topics are different. What’s going on here isn’t exactly what’s going on in Singapore or Jakarta. But some things, like Primarks and meat vans, are always funny. That sort of stuff. (Laughs).

Do audiences change around the world?
Most of the guys that come down here are all expats, so it’s pretty much a slice of home, if you ask me. (Laughs).

Are the some things funny the world over?
Yeah, of course there are. But then we’re just getting into human nature. Farts have always been funny. You can also say haircuts. As observation goes, you’ve always got haircuts.

Is that how you’d describe yourself? An observational comedian.
I’d describe myself as absolutely hysterical. Beyond milk coming out of your nose funny.

So modest, too, then?
Yeah, I’m my own biggest fan. Can you tell?

What’s the first thing you’ll do when you get off the plane?
When I get off the plane I’m going to go to the supermarket and get myself some cheap saffron.

No (laughs). We’re going to go check into a hotel – and then I’m going to get some cheap saffron.

Why did you become a comedian?
I started about 20 years ago. I needed a way to maintain my high school lifestyle. (He gets locked in a car) I didn’t think too much about the travel. That was a surprise. (Someone lets him out).

What do you like about being a comedian?
The fact that I make people laugh and bring joy into other people’s lives. (Laughs).

What do you hate about being a comedian?
That I make people laugh and bring joy into their lives. (Laughs harder).

Tom Stade plays the Laughter Factory on August 11. Dhs115 per person.