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Microsoft launches cloud services in Abu Dhabi and UAE

Digital data storage platform is now available to businesses and users in the UAE 

Technology develops at an alarming rate and it can be a full-tim job trying to keep up with the latest trends. 

Now, in Abu Dhabi upi can use a new cloud service from tech-giants Microsoft. 

The company is the first of the ‘big three’ (including Amazon and Google) to launch a cloud platform in the Middle East.

What is cloud technology? Cloud technology is a digital data storage system where companies and individuals can store data on the internet instead of using computer hard drives?

Have we lost you already? Okay, basically you can save files on the internet where they will be stored and not taking up space on your personal or work computer?

Back with us? Great.

Users in the capital will now be able to access cloud computing service Microsoft Azure and Microsoft office 365 cloud service.

The Office 365 cloud service will allow companies and users in the UAE to use cloud-based versions of Microsoft Word, Access and other productivity software.

Skype is also part of Office 365’s portfolio but the telecommunications portal is still unavailable in the UAE at this time.

Microsoft confirmed that it as in talks with the UAE’s Telecommunications Regulatory Authority to allow people to use Skype but there has been no update so far. You could say it’s still up in the air…