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Abu Dhabi resumes valet parking services at hotels, malls and destinations

Can’t find a space? No problem

We don’t know what it is about valet parking but we always feel a little like a celebrity.

Sure, we can reverse park like a boss, but handing over your keys and taking a ticket always feels a little bit special to us – especially if the service is free.

While there have been bigger issues to worry about, valet parking services have been temporarily suspended in Abu Dhabi stop the spread of COVID-19.

Now, providing that health and safety measures are met, valet parking services can now resume.

Abu Dhabi Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Committee have approved the resumption of valet services if they meet a strict set of guidelines.

All staff valeting vehicles are required to undergo testing for COVID-19, undergo regular temperature checks, wear PPE equipment including masks, use a seat and steering wheel cover when operating the vehicle and regularly using sanitising equipment to clean their hands.

E-payment is encouraged for drivers using valet services as well as maintaining a safe social distance, paying attention to floor markings and undergoing temperature checks before using the services.

We look forward to handing over our keys again soon.