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How to go out and enjoy Abu Dhabi, Dubai and the UAE safely

Protect yourself and public health

As 2020 goes on, more of Abu Dhabi, Dubai and the UAE is reopening to the public.

Our favourite restaurants, brunches, bars, attractions and the rest are back in business after a brief hiatus due to the spread of COVID-19.

As we embrace going out more and enjoying the cities’ dining and nightlife scenes, it’s more important than ever to stay safe, protect yourself and public health.

When heading out, anywhere, it’s essential that you wear a face mask covering your nose and mouth (not around your neck, wrist, head or anywhere else).

If you see someone not wearing a mask or wearing one incorrectly, keep your distance, even if it is a close friend or an acquaintance.

As residents and citizens of the UAE, we have a duty to society at large, to call out those who ignore safety precautions, and not to overlook disregard for others’ safety by not following basic measures.

In addition, cleaning your hands and making use of anti-bacterial hand gel is advised as regularly as possible, especially after touching any surfaces including doors, elevator buttons and everything else you touch with your hands.

When dining out, or at a bar or pub, always keep your hands clean, ensure than surfaces have been sanitised and keep your distance from other tables and guests at your table at all times.

Avoid socialising, dining or meeting with large groups of people – there are capacity regulations in place in place that must be adhered to.

Temperature checks are being carried out at all enclosed public areas including restaurants, bars, malls and shops.

This is for your on safety, so be patient and kind to the staff carrying out the temperature checks who are putting themselves at risk every day coming into contact with the public.

Most importantly, if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 at all, you should self-isolate immediately.

If your symptoms continue, you should get a COVID-19 test and await your result while quarantining at home.

Common symptoms include a fever, tiredness, cough, difficulty breathing and sore throat, among others.

Going out when you think you could have COVID-19 can result in fines for endangering public health.

If you are out and a venue is overcrowded or is disobeying any regulations in place to protect public health, you are asked to report infringements by visiting

We love the UAE, we love going out and we know you do too.

If we all continue to take care of ourselves and one another, we can safely continue to enjoy going out in the months and years to come.