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You can now live in Dubai without working for a UAE company

Dubai now welcoming remote workers looking for a sunshine lifestyle

Dubai has launched a new scheme that will allow people to live in the emirate but work remotely for companies overseas.

Anyone who signs up for the programme will get the same benefits as resident visa holders, including being able to open a bank account, phone and internet, other utilities and schooling.

It was announced by the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) through Dubai Media Office’s official Twitter account.

“The global pandemic has changed how we live and work,” said Helal Almarri, director general of DTCM. “As multinationals and leading start-ups across the world accelerate their rates of digital adoption, the need to be physically present to fulfil professional responsibilities has been redefined.

“People continue to prioritise their health, well-being and ability to ensure a positive work-life balance. Dubai is uniquely positioned to offer a safe, dynamic lifestyle opportunity to these digitally savvy workers and their families while they continue to work remotely, whether it is for a couple of months or an entire year.”

The announcement also says those who take part will not be subject to income tax in the UAE.

To be eligible, you must have:
– Passport with minimum six months validity
– Health insurance with UAE cover validity
– Proof of employment from current employer with a one-year contract validity, a minimum of $5,000 per month salary, last month’s payslip and three preceding months’ bank statements
– If the applicant is a company owner: proof of ownership of company for one year or more, with an average monthly income of $5,000 per month, and three preceding months’ bank statements

The programme costs $287 per person per year, plus medical insurance with valid UAE cover and (an undisclosed) processing fee.

Applications can be made here.

For more information on moving to Dubai, click here.