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Isolation period in Dubai for certain COVID-19 cases reduced to 10 days

New rules apply to close contact cases too

People with COVID-19 who have not developed any symptoms after testing positive are now able to isolate for ten days rather than 14.

The new rules have been announced by The Dubai Healthy Authority, which has stated that the reduction is based on global research finding that the majority of contact cases get infected within the first ten days of exposure.

The DHA has also said that people who have been in close contact but did not develop symptoms can also follow the reduced isolation period guidelines. They must start quarantining for 10 days from the day they were exposed to the confirmed case.

It also applies to COVID-19 patients who had a mild case and who have fully recovered from their symptoms, without using fever-reducing medicines. 

People who have been in hospital due with moderate, severe or critical symptoms can only be discharged after they have had two negative PCR tests in a row, 24 hours or more apart.

They should also have no fever for more than three days without taking fever-reducing medication, have improved respiratory symptoms, as well as a significant improvement on their pulmonary imaging before being discharged.

After leaving hospital they should self-isolate for seven days, and if symptoms appear within the two-week period after discharge they should go back to the doctors.

The UAE is now encouraging people to get the vaccine. To find out where you can get it in Dubai, click here.

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