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Stunning images of the UAE’s seven emirates
Stunning images of the UAE’s seven emirates

Five little things that stand out in UAE

What things will newcomers notice

They say it’s the little things in life that matter and while the food, nightlife, theme parks, and adventures are the main memories that any visitor brings back home, like any place, there are small aspects to life in the UAE, even if you are in quarantine, which stick out in the mind of the first time comer during the first few days.

Sun guilt

Definition: a remorseful feeling for not going outside to soak up the sun for fear that it will not come out again for another few months. Severely affects those from wet climates and will result in individuals dragging themselves outside even if they are too tired or if it’s too hot. This is totally a thing, and yes, we know it’s more than likely going to be sunny tomorrow, but a lifetime of the wind and the wet has conditioned certain nationalities this way. It’s time to make hay.

Emirati winters are like few others

Seasoned expats take great delight in informing newbies that February is actually one of the cooler months. Statistically that’s true, but try telling that to someone who’s moved here from Alaska. Most days kiss the 30°C mark this time of year so if you’ve packed your winter coat and long johns, make sure they stay in the suitcase. Or better still, craft some sort of tent out of them and go camping in the desert dunes.

Sun lotion is your best friend

Forget about skin primer. Forget about anti-wrinkle cream. Forget about aftershave balm. The most important lotion or potion in the bathroom cabinet is the factor 50. Yes, you’ve been crying out for some Vitamin D in your solar-deprived homeland all these years, but that doesn’t mean you should instantly be doing your best impression of Elmo the minute you get here.

Same, same, but still quite different

Showered. Dressed. Cereal in the bowl. Where’s the milk? What is that smiling at me? It’s a camel. It’s camel milk. Didn’t even know camels produced milk. Look at the milk carton. Look at the cereal. Look back at the carton. Hmm… Do you know what, I’ve been told there are plenty of great breakfast and brunch spots just around the corner. Shame to miss out. Milk back in the fridge. Next they’ll be making camel burgers. Oh, wait…

Time doesn’t stand still

Beep, beep, beep. The dreaded text tone at three in the morning. It doesn’t matter how many explanations are given, mum and dad really aren’t getting the hang of this whole time zone thing. And what was so important to disturb the sublime slumber you were enjoying thousands of miles from home? Thirty-eight pictures (precisely the same, give or take the odd tongue hanging out) of the dog doing what you should be – sleeping.

For everything you need to know about moving to Abu Dhabi, click here. For everything you need to know about moving to Dubai, click here.