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UAE Earth Hour: Are you switching off?

It’s the world’s biggest environmental movement

We spend every hour of every year on this good earth, but for 60 minutes this week, we can all show our blue and green marble a bit of love.

Earth Hour, one of the world’s largest environmental campaigns, returns from 8.30pm on Saturday March 27 – and Emirates Nature-WWF is urging UAE residents to join the movement by switching off the lights (including the balcony Christmas lights still hanging up outside) for a full 3,600 seconds.

And before Earth Hour (which itself precedes Earth Day on Thursday April 22), Emirates Nature-WWF will host a virtual event ‘Let’s Speak Up for Nature’ on Wednesday March 24 at 4.30pm, where individuals, businesses, government entities and youth will lend their voice to good old Mother Nature.

Expect deeply moving stories about our planet, delivered in a way that seeks to invoke new ways and thinking and motivate attendees to consider their impact on the environment – we’ve got goosebumps just thinking about it.

Feeling inspired? Enthusiastic environmentalists can sign up to the ‘Zero to Climate Hero’ challenge, in which they’ll embark on a five-week journey to shrink their carbon footprint.

“Human health and the health of our environment are inextricably linked. Our collective resilience, wellbeing, nutrition, and ability to avert disease is fully connected to the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the ways we interact with nature,” says Laila Mostafa Abdullatif, director-general at Emirates Nature-WWF.

“Along with dealing with the challenges of the pandemic, 2020 was also the year when nature and biodiversity rose to the top of the political and corporate agenda like never before, and when the interdependence of the nature, climate, and health crises was strongly recognised by UAE leadership.”

No better time to put your best (green) foot forward.

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