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Expo 2020 is getting a crisps pavilion

And you’ve only got to wait until October 1 to check it out…

Stop whatever it is you’re doing: Expo 2020 Dubai now has a pavilion dedicated to crisps.

Yup, you read that right, and it’s sharing a plot with plenty of fizzy pop, too.

The greatest show on earth is paying homage to one of the greatest snacks on earth – and we couldn’t be more behind it.

Recognising the swish status of the food equivalent of a slam dunk, Lay’s have teamed up with Pepsi to bring us The Plus pavilion – and boy is it scoring big with fans of thinly sliced pieces of potato, and soda.

The collab is one giant plus for Expo 2020 goers – of which there are expected to be 25 million between the beginning of the show on 1 October 2021 and its close in March next year.

The Plus is set to be one of the tastiest parts of the Expo with specific zones dedicated to creating positive change through every crumb of Lay’s and each sip of Pepsi.

Similar to the bubbles in a can of soda, the pavilion’s Equalization Zone will seek to inspire those visiting to rise to the occasion, and advocates for gender equality through a sensorial football interaction.

The Pepsi experience itself will serve as a physical (or should that be fizzy-cal) way for visitors to immerse themselves in a world of possibility.

The Lay’s experience will provide a similar sensory experience to that of Pepsi’s, except in a more potato-crispy form as opposed to a liquid one.

The installations call on Lay’s flavours from around the world and ties into the joy of seasons, football and that all important tang.

On the other side of the crisp, Lay’s RePlay experience gives visitors an insight into the world of potato chips beyond the bag. Another doorway dives into the opportunities that can be created for the farmers who grow the potatoes that go into each and every bag.

Pepsi is not the only beverage at the party. Gatorade is also making an appearance in the Bolt Pavilion; a destination dedicated to inspiring visitors to set personal bests every day.

Guests can expect on-site games, and the entire pavilion echoes the idea of reaching your peak.

Aquafina, the final name on the guest list, follows suit with The Drop pavilion, shaped (as you could probably guess) in the form a drop of water.

The stricture is made out of 41,000 recyclable cans, and is aims to educate visitors on how they can make a positive impact on the environment through improved water usage.

Additionally, visitors can capture some fun moments with their very own splash selfie, a 3D silhouette that makes people look like they are submerged in water.

Marjan Faraidooni, Chief Experience Officer at Expo 2020 Dubai, said: “We are excited to see how our key subthemes will continue to be brought to life through the innovative programming that will take place at The Plus, The Bolt and The Drop pavilions during the six months of Expo 2020 Dubai.”

1 Oct 2021-31 Mar 2022.

For absolutely everything you need to know about Expo 2020 Dubai, click here.