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FIVE buys private jet to host epic parties at 35,000 feet

Boarding 2023

FIVE Hotels and Resorts is taking things to lofty new heights with the purchase of its very own private jet.

FIVE’s brand-new private jet, a ACJ TwoTwenty (which will be known as Nine-Hotel-FIVE, geddit?), will be available to book from 2023, and will ferry revellers to parties in all corners of the globe.

So, what can we expect from this FIVE’s private jet-powered hotel?

All the luxuries of FIVE hotels we’ve come to expect, for a start, and that means no soggy aeroplane meals for this new addition to the skies.

Cuisine is being loaded straight from FIVE’s menu of Time Out-recognised restaurants, including Penthouse, Maiden Shanghai, Cinque and Soul Street.

The 16-seat aircraft will serve as an ultra-opulent ‘private dining room in the sky’, and can ferry passengers for up to 12-hours to far-flung destinations with a full crew on board.

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A Master Suite with king-sized bed and shower, electro-chromatic window shades and full LED lighting, a fully equipped kitchen, non-stop streaming high-speed connectivity and two ultra-large 55 inches screens ensures top-level travelling comfort.

It really sounds as if anything goes at 35,000ft, just don’t go thinking of jumping in the cockpit as not everyone is made to be a pilot.

And most importantly, how much will it cost to fly on FIVE’s private jet.

Well, in what is sure to make your wallet happy, bosses have mooted that tickets will be less than a typical first-class fare.

Which means we may just see more than celebs and footy players clocking up the air miles come 2023.

We’re counting down the days to check in.

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