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Work-life balance cities

These are officially the world’s best cities for work-life balance

Feel like you’re spending too much time at the office? Here are the places to move to

Feel like you’re spending too much time at the office, and not seeing your pals enough? Always got to work late, meaning you miss those family celebrations? Well, in these cities, the work-life balance is a whole lot better.

New research by tech company Kisi has revealed the cities that have the healthiest approach to working and living. Factors assessed included holiday allowance, parental leave, the percentage of remote-working jobs, unemployment figures and inflation rates, plus gender equality and access to healthcare. Sounds pretty thorough to us.

And so where came top? That would be Oslo, the Norwegian capital. Then it’s Bern in Switzerland, Helsinki, Zurich and Copenhagen. A good showing for Europe, then.

The UK, however, ranks pretty far down the list. Liverpool apparently has the best work-life balance, in at number 24 – ahead of Glasgow at 25 and London at 27. And the top US city? That’d be Seattle, ranking at a rather humbling 32nd place.

And if you are in the UK, don’t despair just yet. The largest ever four-day working week trial has just started, meaning you might just have an extra-long weekend sometime in the near future.

Here are the top ten cities for work-life balance, according to the Kisi study:

  1. Oslo, Norway
  2. Bern, Switzerland
  3. Helsinki, Finland
  4. Zurich, Switzerland
  5. Copenhagen, Denmark
  6. Geneva, Switzerland
  7. Ottawa, Canada
  8. Sydney, Australia
  9. Stuttgart, Germany
  10. Munich, Germany