Posted inRamadan

UAE reduces National Sterilisation Programme hours

Country-wide disinfection programme will now run from 10pm to 6am

The UAE has reduced the hours of the National Sterilisation Programme for the duration of the month of Ramadan according to reports by Arabian Business.

The National Sterilisation Programme will now take place from 10pm until 6am the following morning.

During these hours, UAE residents are expected to remain at home unless faced with an emergency that requires them to leave their residence. Currently, the disinfection campaign takes place between 8pm and 6am.

A number of businesses and services are permitted to remain open 24-hours a day, including selected supermarkets, food outlets and pharmacies.

Between 6am and 10pm, selected vendors for products such as meat, fruit and vegetable trading, roasteries, coffee and tea traders, are permitted to operate, but only at 30 percent capacity.