Posted inWellbeing

Chi for two

Not sure what to put in your partner’s stocking this winter? Caroline Garnar does without stockings altogether with a couples’ massage at Emirates Palace

I’ve been sitting here agonising over how to avoid cliché in this article, but I give up. It’s impossible. A couples’ massage puts the spark back into your relationship. There. I said it. Because it does.

You would think your average man would be dragged kicking and screaming to an afternoon of nice-smelling lotions and potions, soft lighting and tinkling music. But, despite having to wear fishnet disposable undies, my husband got as wrapped up in all the romance as I did (well, once I’d stopped laughing and pointing).

Our first port of call was a steaming hot bath, big enough for two, strewn with rose petals. We sat back and let the water soothe us. After half an hour of delicious soaking, nibbling on cookies and sipping the spicy ginger tea supplied, the therapist knocked and came in (the rose petals cover anything you’d rather not be seen) to tell us we could take a shower and let them know when we were ready for our massage. Even the shower was an experience: the four jets of water coming from all different directions giving us a gentle wake up from our bath-induced lethargy.

Before the massage had begun, we had been given a choice of four aromatic oils to be used in our treatments, each one inducing different states of wellbeing. We both selected the scent meant to relax us, and so, as we lay on the beds next to each other, we prepared ourselves for head-to-toe pampering – and we weren’t disappointed. The therapists gently yet firmly kneaded, rubbed and soothed; every deft hand movement of my masseuse sent me into a deeper state of bliss. I could tell my other half must have been feeling relaxed as the sound of muffled snores crept out the sides of his pillow. I looked down and figured the bright flower bobbing in a bowl of water placed directly below our faces must be there both as a pretty display object and to catch the dribble of comatose guests.

We arose from our slumbers some 90 minutes later and were left to gently ease ourselves back into reality. After leaving the spa we decided to cancel our dinner plans as we felt so relaxed we just wanted to head home to bed. Plus, I did mention that a couples’ massage puts a spark back into your relationship, didn’t I…

Anantara Spa, Emirates Palace (02 690 9000). Pick any massage you want from the menu and request a couples’ room. Herbs and spice bath costs Dhs156 per person for 30mins; aromatic massage costs Dhs754 per person for 90 minutes