Posted inWellbeing

Fix your face

Helen Elfer puts down the coffee and cigs and gets her skin refreshed

Is the capital wreaking havoc on your skin? Whether it’s the air-conditioning sucking out the moisture as you sleep, the hot sun burning the end of your nose or the pollution clogging up your pores, there’s no doubt Abu Dhabi is not a skin-friendly city.

Needing some drastic facial TLC, we booked ourselves in for a session at Kaya Skin Clinic, a chain with four busy branches across town. Kaya sets itself apart from other beauty spots, as it is more of a clinical treatment centre than a pampering spa.

All customers have a consultation with a qualified dermatologist before any treatments are done. The doctor examined our skin and asked us a series of questions regarding everything from diet to lifestyle to stress levels. Although we had been blithely blaming bad skin on Abu Dhabi’s environment, our questionnaire sheet told a different story. Excessive coffee intake? Check. Stressed? Who isn’t? Smoking? Uhhh….just the odd one…

All the information gathered was then passed on from the doctor to the skin therapist with instructions about which treatments were suitable and the appropriate lotions and potions that should be used. We found this supremely reassuring, not just because we felt like the therapy was tailored specifically for us, but also because the doctor was qualified to offer advice on lifestyle changes that affect skin, meaning we weren’t just being pushed a one-off experience.

Our therapist told us that the most common complaint they deal with is pigmentation, due to sun damage, which wasn’t really a huge surprise given the climate. ‘Lots of people here don’t want to use sun cream every day,’ she says ‘Especially the men! They say, “Why should we? We’re not ladies!” But then the skin gets damaged.’ Acne reduction and Botox treatments are also very popular.

Aqua Radiance, Kaya’s newest treatment, can help with minor skin pigmentation, as well as a little extra maintenance. It’s a very gentle hydrating session, and can be done regularly, either bi-weekly or monthly. First of all, oxygenated water jets are sprayed on your face to exfoliate it. The jets stimulate the cells, so your skin naturally produces more collagen, effectively pepping itself up. Then, after a cleansing massage, the jets are infused with vitamins, selected to suit your skin type, and resprayed. It’s a calming experience – the water jets make you feel a bit like you’re outside on a rainy spring day – and you leave the clinic looking clean and rejuvenated, rather than blotchy and oily, as happens in so many spas. The treatment is suitable for all skin types, but if you have a specific issue you need addressing, Kaya also offers a long list of other services, ranging from age control and pimple zapping to botox.

Aqua Radiance Dhs550 for a one-hour treatment. Al Karamah, near Khalifa Hospital (02 445 9923), Al Raha Mall (02 556 2911, Mazyad Mall (02 553 4246), Abu Dhabi Mall (02 643 5030)

Problem skin? Here’s how you can fix it

Oily skin
Wash your face two or three times a day, and check that your cleansers and moisturisers are all oil-free. Avoid eating greasy and fried foods, sweets and anything spicy

Dry skin
Only cleanse once a day, but use a moisturiser in the daytime and a rich cream at night. Add foods like oily fish, avocados and olive oil into your diet and, of course, avoid too much sun exposure

Combination skin
Wash your face twice a day using oil-free products, and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and a little fish and olive oil