Posted inWellbeing

Mystery of migraines

They’re like the worst headache you’ve ever had, on steroids

You’re lying in bed. Opening your eyes hurts. Moving hurts. The sound of your watch ticking hurts. Everything hurts. You feel nauseous. One side of your head is clearly holding an alien prisoner that’s trying to burst out through your scalp. You have a migraine.

The exact cause of this chronic pain has, despite being investigated for hundreds of years, yet to be discovered. Even so, we spoke to Dr Ali Hosseinkhah, the senior consultant in neurology at the German Centre for Neurology and Psychiatry about how to identify them and how to try to prevent them.

What is a migraine?

‘A migraine is more than just an ordinary headache – doctors distinguish 18 different types, so a specialised doctor is key in figuring out adequate treatment. Between 12 and 14 per cent of women suffer from migraines, whereas only six to eight per cent of men do. Scientific efforts to define the disease have lasted for centuries, yet none have been successful. It is most likely a genetic disease, because it is often found in a family’s medical history. Apparently, deficits in stimuli-processing were found in sufferers, indicating a “migraine generator” in the brain stem.’ The causes: ‘It’s very important to know which trigger factors apply to each individual, as this varies. Very often changes in weather are named, or sensitivity to certain foods such as cheese or chocolate. On the other hand, vascular problems can be the cause of migraine [issues with blood vessels]. There are a variety of triggers.’

The symptoms

‘Durations of attacks vary from four to 72 hours. Typical complaints are loss of appetite (in almost all cases), a throbbing and pulsating headache, very often on one side of the head, but it might also change sides during the attack, nausea (in 80 per cent of cases), vomiting (in 40 to 50 per cent) photophobia, or light becoming unbearable (in 60 per cent), sensitivity to noise (50 per cent) and sensitivity to specific odours (in just 10 per cent of cases).’

How can I prevent them?

Top five prevention tips are:
1. Keep a migraine diary
2. Avoid trigger foods, such as cheese and chocolate
3. Take up physical exercise, such as walking, swimming or cycling
4. Psychotherapy or acupuncture can help in many cases
5. Try relaxation techniques such as biofeedback or deep breathing

Alternative cures

A great treatment for the relief of headaches from this 5,000-year-old discipline is Shirodhara, where warm medicated oil is poured on to the forehead for 20-40 minutes. We tried it and walked out feeling unbelievably relaxed, our usual tension headache gone. A full treatment for migraines requires more attention from an Ayurvedic doctor, where herbs, yoga, relaxation and further treatments will be prescribed. Try Shirodhara treatment at Eden Spa, Le Méridien, Tourist Club Area. Dhs370 for one hour (02 644 6666)

The diet
The foods commonly attributed to triggering migraines include aged cheese, chocolate, alcohol, aspartame (found in sweeteners) and monosodium glutamate (a flavouring used particularly in Chinese cuisine). If you’re a chronic sufferer of migraines keep a food diary and note if any of these things are triggering the pain. If they are, just cut them out. Also, drink more water – dehydration is never going to help.

The aromatherapy cure
Rub a small amount of peppermint oil on your temples (wash your hands afterwards and avoid touching your eyes, as it will sting) and you’ll feel an instant cooling relief, much like a cold compress. Available at most pharmacies, we particularly recommend Neal’s Yard Remedies oil, Dhs45 for 10ml, available for delivery to anywhere in Abu Dhabi (plus cost of delivery) from the Dubai Mall branch (04 325 3154).

The beautifying cure
In October, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the use of Botox injections to treat chronic migraines in adults (chronic meaning they suffer from migraines at least two weeks of a month). The treatment involves injections around the head and neck, and can help relieve chronic sufferers for up to three months. Why it helps is still unclear – possibly because it freezes pain receptors.