Posted inWellbeing

Get fit (almost) for free

Fed up of extortionate gym prices? Try these 5 alternatives

Ninjitsu: Real ninjas don’t pay for stuff – do they? Shohei Emman doesn’t seem to think so. This generous ninjitsu teacher, who has more than 20 years of training under his belt, runs martial arts classes for kids and adults completely free of charge. The classes aim to build fighting technique, develop strength and improve self-defence skills, and are open to any would-be ninjas. You don’t need any martial arts experience to join in, although most of the students go regularly and learn new techniques each week. Sessions begin with a warm up to get the blood pumping, and then Shohei explains various ninjitsu moves – throws, kicks and punches. If you’re lucky, he’ll even do a little demo for the class, which, in spite of his slight build, involves throwing men twice his size over his shoulder, as well as complicated forms, leaps and high kicks. Believe us, it’s pretty impressive stuff. The first time you do the class, you’ll feel very the next day, because the kicks and throws do put a strain on rarely used muscles. But it’s good for you. After a few weeks you’ll feel leaner and more toned, and your balance and spatial awareness will improve. The calorie count from an hour of ninjitsu really depends on the moves you’re throwing down – but, on average, an hour of intense martial arts training burns about 600 calories.

Cost: Free.

Exercise type: Strength, endurance and improved technique.
Fridays, 10.30am. Muay Thai studio, International Cinema building, Tourist Club Area (050 445 7095)

Running: Get back to basics, pull your trainers on and hit the road. Running is one of the simplest and most effective ways to exercise. Lucky for us, there is a huge range of scenic routes you can follow for free in Abu Dhabi, so all you’ll need to spend is Dhs1 for a bottle of water. One of the most atmospheric locations to train is, of course, Yas Marina Circuit. This spectacular track is open to cyclists and runners on Tuesday evenings between 6pm-8pm, so make the most of the access and think of Lewis Hamilton as you speed round. Join the Yas Marina Circuit Cycling and Running Facebook group for maps and more information. If you want a downtown running route instead, try the city Tarmac track along 32nd Street. It stretches four blocks (between 19th and 13th streets) and the bouncy Tarmac is a comfortable surface to run on – if you pound the pavement too often it can play havoc with your knees. For a slower-paced alternative, or if you just want to keep out of the hot sun, join the Abu Dhabi Mall Walkers Club. It’s an early start (7am-9am), and hanging out in an empty shopping centre can be quite a surreal experience, but it’s a strangely good place to exercise. March up and down the stationary escalators until your thighs burn, or just jog a few nicely air-conditioned laps.

Cost: Free.

Exercise type: Do one of these runs once or twice a week and that’s all the cardio you’ll need.
Applying for membership is free but must be done in advance, so call Abu Dhabi Mall information desk on 02 654 4858

Salsa: If you like to combine your workout with a trip to the pub (no? No one? Oh, okay) you’ll love this salsa class. It’s held in The Village Club Garden and is run by the well-regarded Colombian BNF dance group. You can show up with a friend or by yourself if you prefer, because it’s one of the most sociable fitness classes in the city, with everyone swapping dance partners throughout the session. Salsa can be a gentle or a strenuous hour’s exercise depending on your style, but this class involves walking through some low-impact dance moves before trying them out at full speed to some pumped-up Latin tunes. Once you get the hang of the steps and pick up the pace you’ll be whirling around the dance floor and burning off the calories – up to 600 an hour. Salsa works out your leg muscles, of course, but the strict posture and waist-twisting means you’re constantly working your core stomach muscles too. If you enjoy the class and want to practise some more after the hour is up, you can stick around for as long as you like. Otherwise, retreat back to the seating area for a nice cold drink.

Cost: Free

Exercise type: Light cardio and muscle toning.
Wednesdays 9pm onwards,The Village Club, One to One hotels (02 4952 000)

Cycling: Obviously if you’ve got a bike, this is a completely free activity – you can just hop on and pedal off anywhere you please. But, if not, just head down to the corner of Breakwater Road and Corniche Road to the Byky stand, where you can hire a bike for just Dhs20 per hour. Conveniently, one hour is just enough time to cycle from the bike stand, down Corniche Road to Mina Port and back again, (approximately 12km in total) as long as you’re riding at a reasonable pace. This is a very comfortable route, because it’s flat ground all the way, and since the path takes you near the water you’ll catch the cooling breezes of the Gulf. Cycling is a great cardiovascular workout, and, because the bike supports your body, it’s particularly good for anyone with bone or joint problems. If you ride alone, you’ll burn off about 300 calories per hour, but you can also hire two and four-seaters if you want to share the burden.

Cost: Free, or to hire a bike Dhs20 per hour.

Exercise type: High intensity cardiovascular, plus you’ll end up with rock-hard thighs.
Byky, Corniche Road, (056 69449640)

Ice skating: It might have been a while since you last went ice skating, but the sport is becoming increasingly popular with adults because it’s such an exhilarating way to work out. While lessons can be quite expensive, the Abu Dhabi Ice Rink at Zayed Sports City charges next to nothing if you just want to get on the ice and practise by yourself. Your muscles are forced to stay taut for as long as you’re on your skates, so you end up working your thighs and calves really hard, even though it doesn’t feel like it at the time. They’ll certainly ache the next day, we promise! Once you’ve learned a few moves you’ll also end up with better balance and co-ordination too. Ice skating burns up to 600 calories an hour if you work hard, and with all the twisting and turning at the waist you’ll notice improved posture and a flatter stomach after a few sessions too.

Cost: Entrance to the rink is Dhs25.

Exercise type: Gets the heart pumping and strengthens your legs and stomach.
Abu Dhabi Ice Rink, Zayed Sports City (02 444 8000)


Feeling the burn a little too much? Here are five free health and fitness apps that’ll ease the pain…
Instant Heart Rate
A natty piece of software that uses your phone’s camera lens and flash to give you an accurate reading of your pulse. This handy app will even plot the readings on a graph, so you can quickly see how your heart rate is improving (or not) over the course of your exercise programme.

Yoga Trainer Lite
Having trouble remembering your prowling monkey from your leaping pelican? Never botch another yoga pose again with this handy index, which also builds timed programmes of positions for both beginners and pros.

Fitness Pro
A catalogue of detailed images and explanations designed to make sure your gym form is spot on, with step-by-step instructions on how to execute lat pull-downs, one-armed rows and more than 400 other muscle-toning moves. Also includes a GPS running tracker.

Calorie Counter by MyNetDiary
An easy to use calculator that keeps track of how many calories you’re putting away throughout the day, building a personal programme to help you meet your targets. It even includes a handy barcode scanner so you can import the nutritional data of your packaged snacks.

Smart Alarm Clock
Remarkable piece of software that uses your phone’s inbuilt gyrometer to gauge your sleep patterns and wake you up at the best time for your body. The claimed result: a more alert, more energetic you. And, presumably, an angrier boss.