Posted inWellbeing

Pregnant in Abu Dhabi

Pregnancy discomforts, preparation, childbirth and recovery

Is it just us, or is everyone getting pregnant these days? From Beyoncé to your best friend, talk of babies is everywhere. These little people are out to take over our world, and they’re starting one glowing prospective mother at a time. If you’re one such mum-to-be, you’ve doubtless got 101 questions to ask about the joys and difficulties of prenatal life. Now we’re in no position to answer 101 questions, but we did catch up with an expert in the field to get some advice and a few quick tips.

Dr. Elsa Loseva is the consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at the Al Rawdah German Medical Centre. She’s been with the hospital since October 2011, and her area of expertise includes providing prenatal care.

Can you recommend any exercises to ease aches and prepare for labour?
To prepare for labour, I recommend two very important conditioning exercises for the pelvic area and the hips. Strengthening these areas can assist with childbirth; building up muscles and ensuring a quicker recovery.

To strengthen the pelvic area, lay flat on your back and imagine you are drawing up the pelvic area with a piece of string, hold this position for about 10 seconds, then slowly control the decent as you release the pelvic muscles. This exercise can also be done in quick succession, contracting and releasing the pelvic muscles 10 times.

For greater flexibility, hip openers are suggested in the second trimester. Sit in a butterfly position with the soles of your feet together and your knees open wide. Use your elbows to open the hips further and hold for at least 30 to 60 seconds every day.

These also help after childbirth, right?
They do. This is because the pelvic muscles support the bladder. Weakened pelvic muscles are common after a natural childbirth and is the main reason for lower back pain and urinary incontinence. Therefore, strengthening these muscles can assist in avoiding embarrassing situations when laughing, coughing or jumping.

Also, getting the tummy back to pre-pregnancy size requires the right combination of fat loss and muscle building. Weight loss alone does not do the trick, women will need to rebuild the strength they lost in their muscles during pregnancy and delivery. The muscles around the spine and pelvis make up the core muscles of the body and will need to be re-strengthened in order to avoid flab around the stomach.

Have you got any tips on easing constipation during pregnancy?

1 Eat high-fibre foods such as whole grain cereals and bread, brown rice, beans and fresh fruits and vegetables every day. Adding a couple of tablespoons of unprocessed wheat bran (available at many health food stores) to your diet can also help.

2 Drink plenty of water – at least six to eight glasses a day. A glass of fruit juice, particularly prune juice, can also be helpful.

3 If your prenatal multivitamin contains a large dose of iron (and you are not anemic), ask your healthcare provider about switching to a supplement with less iron.

4 If the constipation is not settling even with the three above tips, ask your healthcare provider about taking an over-the-counter fibre supplement or stool softener.

How about the swelling? What causes this and how can we relieve it?
Swelling in the feet, ankles and even in the fingers and hands is quite common in pregnancy, particularly during the second and third trimester. This is because the body is producing up to 50 per cent more blood during pregnancy and as such, there is increased pressure on the veins. As the uterus grows bigger, it adds more pressure on the veins, particularly the vein pumping blood back to the heart from the lower extremities. This pressure slows the return of blood and forces fluid from the veins into the tissues of the body and in turn causes swelling. Swelling that does not resolve with rest, or is in the face and is combined with headaches, seeing spots or visual disturbances along with pain in the abdomen should be reported to your doctor straight away.

Normal swelling during pregnancy can generally be relieved by resting and elevating the hands or feet, keeping cool and avoiding prolonged periods of standing or sitting.
Al Rawdha German Medical Centre, Al Karamah (02 652 0200).

Dr Elsa’s tips for suppressing nausea

1 Ginger: Ginger tea, ginger ale (warm and flat).

2 Apple cider vinegar: Relieves nausea caused by too much stomach acid. Try two teaspoons in warm water.

3 Zinc: A deficiency of this mineral can cause nausea. Try compensating with a daily dose of 20 milligrams.

4 Fluids: Drink small amounts during the day.

5 Acupressure: There is a specific location on the wrist where pressure can help reduce nausea. Your physician should be able to show you where this is.

6 Crackers: These absorb any excess stomach acid that can cause nausea.

7 Eat well: Avoid fatty foods and spicy foods. Complex carbohydrates can assist in suppressing nausea so ensure you are getting enough whole grain bread, cereals, bananas and also honey.