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Mesotherapy in Abu Dhabi

We get the lowdown on skin micro-injections treatment

Back in the ’50s a certain Frenchman named Dr Michel Pistor devised the idea of using micro-injections to treat skin conditions like scars, loose skin and hair loss. It was called Mesotherapy and, now that it’s gotten rather popular in the UAE, we spoke to Dr Thomas Berger from the Al Rawdah German Medical Center to find out what it’s all about.

So what’s Mesotherapy used for?
Most commonly we use it for skin rejuvenation, hair loss and hair thinning. It can help tighten the skin, treat fine lines and skin pigmentation. It’s great for open pores, acne scars and general rejuvenation.

How does it work?
We use ‘Meso-guns’ or micro-needling devices to inject into the skin definite amounts of a medicine or cosmeceuticals – usually a mix of registered products such as multi-vitamins or hyaluronic acid. But over the years it became clear that it’s not only the injected substance which benefits the skin, but also the fact that the skin is punctured with a little needle. So the mode of delivery of this medicine also makes a difference.

A bit like acupuncture?
It’s a bit like acupuncture, yeah. With acupuncture, the idea is to put the needles in certain trigger points to stimulate nerves. But there is good evidence that if you use an acupuncture needle and stick it more or less randomly into certain areas, it will still give pain relief, for example. So this tiny injury makes a difference.

What’s hyaluronic aicd?
It’s a substance that binds moisture in your skin. It’s basically an internal moisturiser, which is found naturally in the skin, and it exists between the cells and between the collagen fiber. If you inject pure hyaluronic acid with Mesotherapy, that’ll help rejuvenate and moisturise the skin from the inside.

How is Mesotherapy different from Botox?
You cannot compare Mesotherapy with Botox, they are two entirely different approaches that can complement each other. Botox is a toxin that paralyses muscles, and it only works for lines that are formed by muscle movement – lines around the eyes, smile lines, frown lines, etc. Botox cannot treat other wrinkles on the face that were caused by sun damage for example. And if it’s overused or misused, it can cause negative medical and cosmetic side effects. Botox is a great cosmetic procedure, but it’s not good for everything, and it’s certainly not the only choice for skin aging, wrinkles and fine lines.

Mesotherapy, on the other hand, has few side effects. The hyaluronic acid is injected superficially into the middle skin layer. Alternatively we apply hyaluronic acid on the skin and use derma-rollers, which look like little lawn mowers that you roll over the skin and which deliver tiny needle pricks which are pretty much pain free. And the needle prick itself makes the difference. The tiny injury we inflict stimulates the skin healing processes and collagen production.

Basically you’re stimulating the skin to repair itself?
In principle yes. The wound healing that you start stimulates fibroblasts which are cells in the skin that produce collagen fibers. So you stimulate the skin to produce more collagens from the inside, which tightens and rejuvenates the skin. And on top of that we apply some cosmetic items which can penetrate the skin.

Is Mesotherapy popular in the UAE because so many people complain of hair loss due to the water?
With hair conditions it’s a bit complex because you really must make sure that you rule out, for example, hormonal imbalances and are treating the right thing. Also to my knowledge there’s no proof that the water here makes a big difference. I know it’s one of the culprits that cause hair loss, but I was once part of a committee at the health authority to investigate reasons for hair loss in the UAE and there was no conclusive evidence that water is the cause. Nevertheless, Mesotherapy for hair loss is popular in Europe, and it is a means to treat certain forms of hair loss.

How many sessions would someone need to take?
Normally for face treatments we suggest four sessions, about four weeks apart, and the results will last around a year. The maintenance is done as needed. With the hair it’s a different story because the hair grows in cycles. One hair cycle lasts three months. So the effects of any treatment will only show after three months. We do the first treatment every week, for the first month, then we do every other week, then we do once a month. After three months you’ll be able to see if it’s worked, and if it has, we’ll usually suggest a maintenance therapy every three months. There are also protocols where you can eventually switch from Mesotherapy to topical applications, like special shampoos and solutions.
The cost of Mesotherapy for the face is Dhs750 per session and Dhs500 for hair. Al Rawdah German Medical Center (02 625 0200).