Posted inWellbeing

How to get a close shave

We meet Yusef Al Naimi of The Lounge salon

The amount of grooming products and advice on offer can be a little bit overwhelming and even slightly intimidating. But man shouldn’t fear the moisturiser. We caught up with Yousef Al Naimi, managing director of The Lounge, to talk about the importance of male grooming and what people reveal when sitting in the barber’s chair.

Which is better for your skin, a wet or dry shave?

A very wet shave is much better for your skin. Use warm water (not hot) and make sure your face is sufficiently wet. The warm water will help to open up your pores.

What makes a barber’s shave so special?
A professional barber can handle all types of beards and skin with different ways of shaving because he is more experienced. The barber can make the clean shave last longer by using his own techniques. For example, he can control the movement of the blade better because he is doing it on someone else. Barbers don’t really recommend shaving like this at home because it’s a bit dangerous and you need to know what you’re doing.

Is there any kind of shaving equipment you’d recommend?
The most important thing to remember is to make sure you choose the right blade. It needs
to be a blade that gives you a clean shave. For store-bought options I would recommend Gillette. For trimmers I would recommend the Moser Beard Trimmer as it is more professional than the others.

What kind of beards are fashionable at the moment?
We’re seeing a lot of thick beards that are still well groomed with a little bit of growth. And quite defined edges are still popular.

What kind of care should you give your facial hair?
You should treat it just as you would treat your hair, so wash it every day. A couple of times a week, you should rinse toner or tonic water through it to get rid of any skin impurities.

What’s the strangest thing you’ve been told by a customer in the chair?
One married customer visits us very often. He comes about every two days and spends two to three hours here just to run away from home life. He does it because he’s not allowed to go to coffee shops or a bar. Many customers tell us their life stories, even revealing their most personal issues.

A common problem is shaving rash. Can you give us some tips on avoiding that feeling of raw skin?
Make sure you have a very wet, clean shave using warm water, and also try to shave after having a shower, not before; you want the skin to be wet after the shower. It may sound obvious, but you need to shave your beard in the direction of the hair growing. Don’t do it the opposite way. Some patches of hair grow in different directions.

If you do accidently cut your face while shaving, what’s the first thing you should do?
You need to use something to stop the bleeding first. Then, as painful as it might sound, use some betadine on it so it doesn’t get infected. You can then continue shaving after stopping the bleeding but just avoid shaving the injured area.

Is it essential for men to use moisturiser?
Yes, it’s very important for men to moisturise because we have dry, hot weather in this region, which really affects the skin.

How important is the relationship between a man and his barber?
Very important, because a man can spend a long time with his barber. It’s important for there to be trust and understanding between them.