Posted inWellbeing

Beauty Spot Salon in Abu Dhabi

Angela Beitz tries the Biolustre hair treatment to sort out her locks

The promise
It will instantly restore texture, health and shine to your hair and will repair past damage in one treatment. It will also increase strength and elasticity.

The Beauty Spot Salon is tucked away next to Anantara Spa at the Eastern Mangroves Hotel. It’s one of the nicest hair salons we’ve visited in the city. Staff greet us and offer us an iced coffee. First our hairdresser looks at our hair to see what see what sort of condition it is in. Our locks are quite dry and is over processed from having regular blonde highlights put through, so she assures us this treatment will work very well.

It’s not just for blondes, though. It will work to repair hair that has been damaged by chemical processes (including colouring, high/lowlights, perming, chemical straightening and so on). It is also proven to be effective on broken, flyaway and weakened hair. We are taken to the basin and our hair is lathered with a special shampoo that will open up the hair shaft so that the Biolustre can penetrate the shaft and do it’s job. We are then taken back to our seat and the product is applied all over our head. It works by entering the hair shaft and binding to it with a restructuring polymer that is similar to the hair itself. With the product still in, it’s dried with a heater and it goes all crunchy. This is totally normal. It’s then rinsed out after about 20 minutes and blow dried straight to reveal the glossiest, shiniest and strongest hair we’ve ever had.

The results
Our hair is so strong and feels super smooth. It’s also much more manageable, which we are really impressed with, and the shine lasts until we next wash our hair. It also feels thicker, which is nice because it makes
it sit better.

The staff are professional and very friendly. The treatment actually worked which is very refreshing, and the service was prompt. The salon itself is one of the nicest we’ve been to and we will definitely make a return visit.

The treatment is expensive but we promise it’s worth it. As they say, you get what you pay for.

Biolustre treatment costs Dhs600-Dhs800+ depending on hair length and thickness. The aftercare is Dhs90 for shampoo and Dhs95 for conditioner. The Beauty Spot Salon is open Sat-Wed 10am-9pm; Fri 2pm-9pm. Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa by Anantara, Eastern Ring Road (02 656 1149).