Posted inWellbeing

Atarmia Spa – tried & test

Five stars for this detox body wrap

The promise
This detox body wrap using spirulina and algae will not only soften the skin but help the body to detoxify itself. A detoxfying massage will help stimulate the lymphatic systems and deal with water retention.

The experience
After a lot of late nights out and too much partying we thought a detox spa treatment would be the best thing to get us feeling better. This treatment offers a detox body wrap, which promise to restore the skin’s pH balance and draw away toxic impurities from the body.

We follow this up with a Detox Brilliance Massage to aid lymphatic drainage. Our therapist starts by slathering us head-to-toe in a thick paste of dark green algae and spirulina to draw out toxins from the body. Once we are covered in the lovely green concoction we are then wrapped in plastic sheeting and then in an insulating blanket which is left on for 30 minutes, during which there is time for a lovely head massage. The blanket gets quite hot and you can feel yourself sweating out all the toxins. We jump in the shower for a quick rinse and we can already feel that our skin is super smooth. We then move onto the massage which will further help with the detox process.

The massage works to break down waste and rid your body of toxins using a tangerine, orange and rosemary oil that encourages the body to detoxify. It also helps with lymphatic drainage and water retention that Agnes, our therapist, tells us we have around our inner thighs. The treatment consists of a long, thorough massage that concentrates mainly on applying a great deal of pressure to key points. There is a lot of kneading done to all of our body and Agnes presses on our pressure points and lymph nodes to release tension and to get our system working properly again. This is not your usual massage; the pain is worked out of your muscles, especially in your back, by the therapist using deep, hard movements that relieve tension. We leave feeling renewed and uplifted and super relaxed.

The results
Skin is softer and smoother, and our complexion is radiant. We slept very well that night and it was a nice change to feel our skin so deeply hydrated.

The detox wrap was an effective way to kick-start our system and our skin felt amazing. The spa is truly luxurious and serene and we would highly recommend it. The massage worked very well to fix our knots, kinks and pains.

Make sure you drink lots of water because you will be surprised how detoxifying the treatment and massage are and the more water you drink, the less sore you will be after the treatment.

Spirulina Detox Body Wrap, Dhs470 for 90 minutes. Detox Brilliance Massage, Dhs470 for 60 minutes. Atarmia Spa, Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi (02 407 1170).