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Fight ageing with cosmaceuticals

Why non-injection treatments could be your answer to looking young?

Why cosmeceuticals – medicinal products for cosmetic use – are taking the beauty world by storm.

A cosmeceutical is a product that utilises the benefits of pharmeuceuticals for cosmetic effect. Products such as Futur Lab Hyaluronic Acid +B are available to counter the aesthetic effects of ageing. TOAD speaks to the managing director of Aesthetic Polyclinic, Sela Al Asadi, about how they work.

Why are cosmeceuticals becoming so popular for anti-ageing and creating healthy skin as opposed to injectable products?
It is a matter of prevention versus correction. Cosmeceuticals work directly on the skin and are essential for slowing down the ageing process by ensuring the skin is healthy, well hydrated and nourished. Injectables work best once the wrinkles have actually set in and the active ingredients in the cosmeceuticals are not strong enough to erase deep lines and creases. Most injectables today are hylauronic acid-based and the depth to which they’re injected depends on how deep the wrinkles are. We still recommend to all our clients who have injectables to continue the use of topical hylauronic acid, as it is essential for natural collagen production.

What is hyaluronic acid?
Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is normally produced by the body; it is what gives skin its volume and fullness. As we age, skin moisture can drop significantly, which makes the skin lose elasticity and expose the signs of ageing on the skin. Hyaluronic acid plays a critical role in skin health with its unique ability to hold in moisture. Hyaluronic acid is also a smart nutrient as it can adjust its moisture absorption rate based on the humidity – relative to the season and the climate.

Can you explain what hyaluronic acid actually does, and what are the benefits of a product like this?
Almost half of the body’s hyaluronic acid is located in the collagen of skin. Hyaluronic acid helps to retain over 1,000 times its weight in water within the skin cells, making it an excellent moisturiser. In fact, no other biological substance can retain as much water as hyaluronic acid, resulting in increased smoothness, and elimination of skin imperfections and wrinkles.

Who should be using products like hyaluronic acid?
Everyone is a candidate for hyaluronic acid – especially those who have sensitive skin and are susceptible to breakouts when using rich and heavy moisturisers. Hyaluronic acid is a transporter so it gives a boost to your regular moisturisers as it carries the active ingredients to the epidermis layers that a regular moisturiser sometimes can’t reach.

What other products you would recommend to help fight anti-ageing?
My own personal skincare regime combines all the essential elements that the face needs. I start my day with a good cleanser, followed by VI Derm Vitamin C (to nourish the skin and stimulate collagen production), Futur Lab Hylauronic Acid +B, Futur Lab 3tox (increases skin elasticity and tone), VI Derm Revitalizing eye cream and sunscreen (one of the biggest causes of ageing skin is too much sun exposure). I also heavily depend on a retinol-based cream of about 0.4 per cent concentration before bedtime to help fight off any new wrinkles.

How does having the added benefit of a hyaluronic acid with +B in a serum and what does the vitamin actually do?
The +B refers to pantothenic acid which, when applied topically enhances water retention in the skin cells, which makes it a brilliant, deep-penetrating moisturiser. The +B has excellent water retention properties; however it does not have the ability to hold water on its own. So, when it’s combined with hyaluronic acid, it is also capable of attracting 1,000 times its own weight in water. This is why we recommend something like the Futur Lab Hyaluronic Acid +B as an everyday serum.

Any more tips for anti-ageing?
Start early. Good skincare is essential to graceful ageing. We’re all born with smooth, soft and wrinkle-free skin, but over time the natural tendency of our skin is to start developing wrinkles and lose its tightness. Establishing a proper skincare regime that involves frequent facials and a good morning and night routine will definitely help you maintain healthy, glowing skin.
Aesthetic Polyclinic, behind BMW Showroom, Al Khalidiyah, (02 681 8711).