Posted inWellbeing

The value of veganism

Nutritionist Anna Cortesi weighs in on the benefits of being vegan

Reduction in saturated fat
Meat and dairy products contain saturated fats. Reducing this type of fat will improve your health tenfold. Saturated fats are the “bad” types of fat that most nutritionists blame for diseases such as obesity and heart disease. Plant-based foods that vegans consume contain no saturated fats at all.

High in fibre
A high fibre diet, full of fruits, vegetables, pulses, nuts and seeds will lead to healthy and regular bowel movements.

Rich in antioxidants
The fresh produce that vegans eat is full of antioxidants. These help to protect your cells from damage and, as many studies have suggested, help fight off several types of cancer.

Most vegans have low levels of LDL (the bad type of cholesterol) and high levels of HDL (the good type of cholesterol) since most of the “good” fats they consume are olive oil, nuts such as cashews and walnuts and lots of seeds. By removing animal products from your diet, you also eliminate dietary cholesterol from your daily intake.

Mad for magnesium
Magnesium and calcium are a vegan’s best friend. Our bodies need calcium to stay healthy and magnesium helps to absorb calcium. Plant-based sources of these two magical micro nutrients are found in plenty of foods and can be absorbed easily by your body for healthy muscle growth and bone structure. As a vegan, you get lots of magnesium from nuts, leafy greens and seeds, so eat up for healthy bones.
Anna Cortesi is a registered dietician and clinical nutritionist.