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What’s the area like?In a word, vibrant. Situated around Sheikh

What’s the area like?
In a word, vibrant. Situated around Sheikh Zayed the First (Khalidiya Street), easy access is the key phrase, and people can be seen moving about on foot – photo-worthy in the UAE. The multinational population has grouped together into a thriving expat community, and people here talk fondly of lifelong friendships and ‘being in the same boat’ (presumably the QE2, given the astonishing prices). Accommodation is available in high-rise apartment blocks or in snazzy compounds such as Khalidiya Village.

Khalidiya is awash with takeaways of all shapes and sizes, and most schools run buses to the area. Pride of place is Abela Supermarket, an establishment the expats would flounder without.

Best for…
Easy access to the central hub of the city.

Walk out onto the Corniche and catch the sea breeze; walk up to the major malls and catch the latest bargains; walk to Khalidiya Garden for a bit of park relaxation. If you’re happy on foot, then you’re happy in Khalidiya.

Parking can be a nightmare, and cabs are like gold dust on a Thursday evening.

At the time of writing, two-beds could be bartered for Dhs170,000. More reputable agents are offering three-beds for Dhs400,000.