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Tourist Club Area

What’s the area like?The area is home to the usual

What’s the area like?
The area is home to the usual array of tower block apartments and low rise flats. There’s a fair bit of demolition taking place, and there are issues with the roads, but if you’re not put off by the inner city background hum, then you’re well-placed to enjoy what the city has to offer.

The location is a peach, with Abu Dhabi Mall just a short walk from most areas. It also boasts plenty of shops, a cinema and a host of restaurants and cafés.

Best for…
Those who don’t mind the noise and can’t bear to be less than 3 ft from a mall.

Lots of decent places to dine, and shopping is made pretty easy by the mall, although it’s a short drive to the nearest Lulu Supermarket to escape the perils of mini grocery stores. The Corniche and the coastal parks are also nearby, should you want to stretch your legs.

The noise is tough, and the honking from the traffic can grate. The parking is simply agonising – if you can live without a car, it’s advisable. The traffic is also a nightmare, and the roads seem to change on a daily basis, frankly confusing everyone.

Ranging between Dhs150,000 and Dhs210,000 for two-beds.