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50 things to do in Abu Dhabi

Got some free time coming up? Don’t waste it all on the couch

Art & Culture

1 Bake a mug: Low on dishware? Well, make your own. True, your hand-crafted mugs might look skewed and your plates out of whack, but as long as they don’t fall apart, who cares? And if they do? Well, call them artistic doorstops.
Call Abu Dhabi Pottery on 02 666 7079 for more details

2 Stare at masterpieces: Have you had your dose of art? Staring at a painting once a week can relieve stress, clear up your acne and revitalise your mind. Okay, maybe not, but paintings sure are pretty. Head to Salwa Zeidan Gallery and check out Lebanese artist Mouna Sehnaoui’s solo exhibition.
Salwa Zeidan Gallery (02 666 9695).

3 Learn calligraphy: Yes it helps if you can read Arabic, but it’s not a requirement. The ancient art of calligraphy can be appreciated by anyone, including those friends you plan on inviting to dinner and impressing with your artwork. Try all that and more, at Al Qattara Arts Centre.
Al Qattara Arts Centre (03 761 8080)

4 Take a picture: Anyone can carry a camera and snap a shot, but it takes true genius to find the perfect angle and catch a friend pulling a ridiculous face. Think you’ve got what it takes? Yeah, us neither – but on the bright side, Gulf Photo Plus can train you.
Head to for details and pricing

5 Enjoy a city tour: It’s cooling down! And not only that, you can now stand under a blue sky for more than a minute without disintegrating. Particularly useful if you’re planning on taking one of the Big Bus Company tours, which cover all the capital’s major sights in one easy-to-access ride.
Hop on from Marina Mall, or head to for tickets and more info

Body & Mind

1 Learn Yoga: It revitalises the body and mind – or wait, was that some energy drink? Either way, yoga is a lifestyle that millions of people swear by, and it has enough followers in the city for you to dive right in. Bodytree Studio (previously the Yoga Tree) holds a few classes a week, and you can join straight away.
Bodytree Studio, (02 667 6579)

2 Spend a day in the spa: It might cost a pretty penny, but a day at the spa is the least you can reward yourself with after this long, hot summer. Your skin and body are probably crying for some pampering, so why not head to Espa and book one of their awesome treatments? We especially like the hammam.
Espa, The Yas Hotel (02 656 0862)

3 Take a make-up lesson: For all you know, you might be the next face of Mango, Calvin Klein, or some weird Japanese noodle soup; good make-up could be the only thing standing between you and fame and fortune. Fix that today with a make-up class. Lina Hussein runs a rather popular one.
Lina’s Make-up Artistry, (050 937 6640)

4 Bathe in mud: Steam, dim lighting, ambient music and lots of mud – that’s how we like spending our afternoons. Not any mud mind, magical mud that’s been passed on through generations. Well, perhaps not, but the Rasul Mud Extravaganza at Beach Rotana is still phenomenal. Get your friends involved and give it a try.
Beach Rotana (02 697 9000)

5 Make your own orange peel face mask
Step 1: Dry some orange peel in the sun (or indoors for 48 hours)
Step 2: Crush the dry peels into a powder, or use a blender on pulse
Step 3: Combine equal parts orange powder and rose water (regular water and milk can also be used)
Step 4: Apply paste to face for half an hour
Step 5: Rinse off, and be beautiful!


1 Go green: Stop preaching and start practising; it’s about time you gave back to the environment. If you’ve no idea where to start, check out our website for last week’s eco story, or head to one of our favourite eco blogs,

2 Visit the dome, save a turtle: See that giant golf ball on the Corniche? That isn’t an art installation, it’s a biodome. Inside you’ll find a mangrove nursery, live turtles (and a robot turtle – no really!) and tons of useful information about the environment and ecosystem in Abu Dhabi. Learn how to do your part, and watch a few very cool videos while you’re there.

3 Volunteer on the helpline at Ewa’a women’s shelter: Human trafficking is a real and horrific crime, and while most of us will thankfully never have to experience such trauma, there are people out there who have. Ewa’a is Abu Dhabi’s answer to this, and if you feel like helping out or volunteering on their helpline, give them a call.
Ewa’a, (800 SAVE/800 7283 or 02 558 4812)

4 Adopt a labourer: Many labourers are stuck in their lives. They may earn enough to send back home, but very few of them ever find career progressions; and often a lot of them are looking for just that. You can help, and through the Adopt a Labourer programme you can give advice and support to a needy human being.
Call 050 287 8193 or visit for more information

5 Save a pet from the streets: Like the kitten in the pet store window? Don’t you dare! Hundreds of equally adorable cats, dogs and birds are homeless and waiting for someone to take them. Unless that cat in the cage is dying (and you feel compelled to save it) head to the ADFH Shelter and adopt instead. Free karma points with every furry friend.
ADFH Animal Shelter (02 575 5155)

Eating Out

1 Eat new fish: Next time you’re in the market for fish, why not do the environment a favour and stay away from the over fished species? The online Choose Wisely guide can help you make your selection, and allow you to both save the planet and try a new type of fish.
Check out for more information

2 Eat something unusual: How brave are you? Are you brave enough to eat a haunch of ostrich? Brave enough to try frogs’ legs or chicken feet? Well how about century eggs? Brown and jelly like, they sport a greenish yolk and taste… pretty good, actually.
Available at the Chinese mini-market, behind Ajman Bank, Tourist Club Area

3 Try a new brunch: Ah brunch, the most wonderful meal of the day (and how we wish we could do it every day). Brunch is the perfect excuse to eat early, stay late and stuff our faces while we socialise. Fancy a new one this Friday? Try the one at Spaccanapoli.
Crowne Plaza Abu Dhabi, (02 621 0000)

4 Host a BBQ: Yes we know you can’t do it in parks anymore, but with the new and exciting era of electric tabletop barbecues now upon us, you can certainly do it on your dining table. Bosch have an awesome one, as do Severin, LG and a few others. Most won’t cost more than Dhs300.

5 Learn to make sushi: Sustainable fish? Check. Sharp knife? Check. Sushi mat? Check. What? Don’t know how to roll? The folk at Soba certainly do, and they’ll be happy to impart their knowledge every Saturday for a very reasonable Dhs87 per person.
Soba, Le Royal Méridien (02 674 2020)


1 Head down to the ADFF: Abu Dhabi Film Festival is on until October 22, and if you haven’t been down to the Fairmont yet, then you’re missing out on the biggest film event of the year. If you’ve caught the magazine early enough, you still have a couple of days to go; so go!
Head to to view the schedule

2 Make a home video: It’s hot, you’re bored, and there’s nothing to do. Got a camcorder? Problem solved. Why don’t you start a YouTube channel for yourself and earn some extra cash? YouTube allows those with a high number of views to automatically earn money through ads, and all you need to do is keep the people interested. We suggest physical comedy or kittens.
Head to for more info

3 Run the marathon: Oh don’t panic, we mean a movie marathon. Might we suggest one of the lesser advertised science fiction series such as Steven Spielberg’s Taken? The mini-series spans five decades, four generations, and three families, and has plenty of awesome aliens. Oh fine, just buy the Harry Potter set, then.

4 Watch the Lion King: What, already seen it? Well, have you seen it in (drum roll please) 3D? Now in cinemas, the re-release of Disney’s family favourite has been sitting high in the US box office for two weeks. Now’s the chance for you to experience it again, and take the kids as pretence.


1 Meet the animals: Four thousand animals and 180 species, 30 per cent of which are endangered. Nine hundred hectares of enclosed natural beauty near the base of Jebel Hafeet – that’s what’s waiting for you at the Al Ain Wildlife Park & Resort. Cheap as chips too: Dhs5 for kids, and Dhs15 for adults.
Al Ain Wild life Park & Resort, (03 782 8188)

2 Watch them putt: Take the kids to the Abu Dhabi City Golf Club for a day, and marvel at their incredible ability to out-golf their father with only a few hours of training under their belts. Train them hard, then, and embarrass the old man – maybe he’ll knock off the habit.
Abu Dhabi City Golf Club, (02 445 9600)

3 Raise the next Beckham: So your football career didn’t take off, so what? That doesn’t mean you can’t teach your kid to bend it like Beckham. Well, maybe you can’t, but the Manchester United Soccer School can. Classes are open for kids aged seven-16.
Manchester United Soccer School, (02 449 8480)

4 Breed a Bruce Lee: Kung Fu kids are useful, they’ll perform for your friends, stand up for you in fist fights and knock the socks out of anyone who dares insult their families. If you want your little bundle of joy to become a little bundle of martial hurt, then let the Abu Dhabi Combat Club train them.
Abu Dhabi Combat Club (02 443 0355)

Shopping & Style

1 Catch a discount: Nothing’s better than a spot of retail therapy; except perhaps retail therapy during discount season. And with the hot season on its way out, plenty of stores have ongoing discounts this week.

2 Spend a day at the souk: It may not have open spice bags, live camels and ye olde dust storms, but the Souk at Central Market is a remarkable place nonetheless. Modern enclosed and air-conditioned, but its winding passages and wooden trimmings still keep that old souk feel alive. Head down there for some shopping or a great bite.
The Souk at Central Market (02 696 4444 )

3 Buy a suit (or a dress): One of the perks of living in Abu Dhabi is that tailored clothing is an affordable option; and nothing beats tailored clothing when it comes to suits and dresses. Abu Dhabi New Tailors and Freddy’s are two of the city’s favourites.
Abu Dhabi New Tailors (02 634 4990); Freddy’s (02 627 3777)

4 Explore a new mall: Mushrif Mall is up and running at last, with new places popping up every couple of weeks. Already established brands include Giordana, Splash, Charles and Keith and cupcake specialists Bloomsbury’s.
Mushrif Mall, (02 690 4422)

5 Top Bartering Tips
1) Carry a light wallet
And stash your money in a pocket. That will allow you to open it and exclaim, ‘All I have is Dhs50, kind sir.’
2) Bring a friend
They can play the responsible card and you can play the impulse buying card. As soon as they start winning, the salesman will jump in with a better offer.
3) Walk Out
If you can’t get the deal you want, just walk out. Sometimes a salesman will follow you with an offer, but if they don’t, keep walking. Live to fight another day.

Sports & Outdoors

1 Cycle Yas Circuit: Who says you can’t ride a bicycle in the city? The weather’s gorgeous, and evenings by the Corniche are nothing short of magical. Want more space? How about the whole Yas Marina Circuit, which is open to cyclists every Tuesday.
Yas Marina Circuit, (02 659 9999)

2 Go dune bashing: Dune bashing is a tourist favourite in the UAE, and for good reason. As if driving up and down sand dunes at breakneck speed in a 4×4 was not fun (and scary) enough, the drivers will actually refuse to tell you if they ever flipped over the car… Emirates Adventures is one of our favourite tour companies.
Emirates Adventures, (02 644 5117)

3 Go karting: No, you probably can’t drive a Formula One car, but an hour on the karts and you won’t want to. Whizz round one of the many track configurations Al Forsan has to offer, hitting up to 110kph around.
Al Forsan, (02 556 8555)

4 Ride a wave: Conquer the Corniche waves on one of Hiltonia’s awesomely powerful Jet Skis. Life jackets and a morale boost are included. You might want to get a friend to stand somewhere and take a shot of you flying through the waves.
Hiltonia Beach Club, (02 692 4205)

5 Take a dive: If you’re bored of dry land altogether, why not grab a few hours of peace under the sea? Scuba diving lessons with Ocean Dive Centre, start at Dhs400 for the Discover Scuba Diving course, or Dhs700 for Introduction to Scuba Diving course (includes classroom, pool session and two open water dives).
Ocean Dive Center, (02 644 1696)

Time Wasters

1 Learn some party tricks: Want to pull a rabbit out of a hat? How about starting with some disappearing coins, levitating matches and making elephants vanish into thin air. Well, skip the elephants, but head on to for some nifty party favourites.

2 Tie a tie: Pratt, Windsor, Four in Hand? If none of those ring a bell, then you probably don’t own a tie. But one of these days you’ll need to grow up, cut your hair and get a suit on – at least that’s what our parents always said.
Learn to tie a tie, on

3 Play (a group game): Whoever said adults should not play games anymore should be ashamed of themselves. There’s nothing like getting out the game board and challenging your friends to a test of wits, luck or skill at cheating. Some of our favourites include Monopoly, Scrabble and Pictionary. Limbo is also a lot of fun, but we’re too old and fat for that now.

4 Do your laundry: Okay, so household chores are not fun. Finishing them and then looking at your handiwork with satisfaction, however, is great. So come on, get off the couch and work through that pile of dirty clothes. If you’re really too lazy, hand your smelly socks over to one of the city’s many laundry shops and they’ll happily do the job for you. Less satisfactory, though.

5 Start an Abu Dhabi blog: If you’re an expat living away from home, chances are you’ve got a whole bunch of people in your home country who are just dying to hear all about your desert adventure. Rather than having to email every last one of them with time-consuming updates, start up a blog to document your glitzy expat life. is a good place to start


1 Book a staycation: If you’re in need of some relaxation but have no time to leave the city, you’re in luck. Abu Dhabi has a plethora of glittering hotels to choose from after all, so why not book a night or two in one of them and let your hair down? The Yas Hotel does a great weekend special, two adults and two children get to stay in a deluxe room for Dhs900 a night.
The Yas Hotel (02 656 0700)

2 Grab a hotel deal: A bit more time to lie back and relax? Book three nights or more at the Jebel Ali Hotel in Dubai and get an upgrade to the all-inclusive package for free. If lazing on the beach for three days isn’t your idea of a good time, there are plenty of activities available such as golf, diving, a shooting range, etc. We’d still prefer the beach, though.
Jebel Ali Golf Resort & Spa, Dubai (04 814 5555)

3 Leave the country: Don’t forget that the UAE is perfectly located for short trips to a huge number of exotic destinations. Places such as India, Jordan Sri Lanka and even Kenya are all easily reachable in five hours or less. You could technically go for just a weekend…

4 Get thee to a museum: The Al Ain museum boasts archaeological finds dating back to the Stone and Bronze ages. It’s out of town, but looks great, and chronicles the region’s complete pre-oil heritage. Many surprises await.
Al Ain Museum, (03 764 1595)