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Five reasons we’re glad summer in the UAE is over

The sweaty months are almost behind us

1 It feels like we’ve been in a time warp

We’ve heard people say that this summer wasn’t as hot as previous years. Well, it could be that or it could be that we’ve all been outside even less than in previous years. Being indoors has totally skewed our perception of time so far in 2020. Was it really six months ago that lockdown was put in place and the city’s restaurants, bars and more were closed? The time has disappeared. What’s that, the Premier League has started up again? But it only just finished a couple of weeks ago. Here’s hoping the next few months are a bit more normal.

2 Restaurant terraces will be a thing again

It’s not just the temperature that stops you from sitting outside during the UAE’s hottest months, it’s the humidity, too. While we’ve all looked at a swimming pool and thought it would be lovely to dive in and cool off, few people have done it fully clothed. But after five minutes outside in August, you might as well have. Thankfully, those days are nearly gone for another seven or eight months.

3 Outdoor exercise is possible

With loads of amazing running tracks and outdoor gyms around the country, it’s nice to be able to use them again without fear of the ground melting beneath your feet or the equipment burning you when you touch it. It beats being holed up in a gym when the weather is cool, though there are fewer mirrors to stop and pose in every two minutes.

4 We can get excited about the festive season

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, after all. Before long we’ll be seeing Christmas cards in shops, listening to ads promoting festive offers on the radio, and hoping we can book flights to see our loved ones or have them over to see us. It also means 2020 will almost be done and dusted and only visible from the rear view mirror, which is something we’re sure everyone can get behind.

5 Camping makes a return

Setting up your tent in the desert with only the rolling sand in front of you and the stars above… What a way to enjoy the landscape we’re surrounded by. Of course, in the summer it’s pretty much impossible to do, and even in the winter you need to make sure you have all the correct gear, lots of water and know where you’re going, but it’s great fun once you’re all set up. Get the barbecue going and let the conversation flow. Just watch out for those camel spiders.