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Reasons to be thankful this upcoming Thanksgiving

Be grateful you have these things in your life

Another reason to eat turkey

If you’re from the UK, the chances are turkey is a once a year foodstuff. Okay, you can get turkey burgers and the like, but it’s only at Christmas when a whole bird gets a roasting. However, when you live in such a multicultural country it’s possible to take inspiration from friends, colleagues and neighbours from around the world and take part in their rituals and traditions. So, with that in mind, Thanksgiving is a fantastic way to get more turkey in your life. Thanks, the USA.

Spending time outside

We mention this a lot but it really isn’t possible to overstate just how good it is to spend time outside between October and March. Whether you’re keeping fit by cycling, running or walking places or lazing around on beaches, by pools or in parks, it’s just lovely outdoors right now. Use it an excuse to explore places you haven’t been yet and you’ll grow even more appreciation for the city you live in, too.

Getting deliveries wherever you are

Want some sushi at 1am to your door? Absolutely no problem. Hankering for a pizza but you’re on the beach? Don’t worry about it, it’s on its way. Decided to switch mobile phone providers on a whim? You can get a new sim sent to you within an hour. On a boat and ran out of snacks and soft drinks? There’s a water-based delivery service, too. In fact, you can get pretty much anything delivered to pretty much anywhere you like, as long as you’re willing to pay for it.

Video calling back home

It seems like a simple thing, but it wasn’t always possible to conduct a video call with family and friends around the world. Now, however, there’s a bunch of ways to do it that mean we’re more connected than ever to our loved ones. Whenever you’re feeling homesick, a quick call home can be sorted in a few clicks and, for that, we really are thankful.

Feeling safe

This one really makes a difference to your quality of life and peace of mind. Yet, again, the UAE has been ranked as one of the safest countries in the world. This time, analytics firm Gallup has provided the data, based on factors such as confidence in the police, a sense of safety when alone at night and fear of theft. At least 1,000 people were polled in each country, with the UAE coming in ninth place.

Boat parties

Come on… Not many countries in the world offer you the chance to rent a boat every weekend, fill it with your friends (the correct amount and socially distanced, of course) and head out to the sea with tunes, snacks and refreshments for an afternoon of fun. It’s things like this it’s easy to start taking for granted once you’ve been here a few years so every now and then we take a step back and let it sink in. We really do live in a super place and there are so many reasons to be grateful.