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Five things we’re looking forward to in 2021

What we hope the new year has in store for us


Tickets, passport, sun cream and swimwear… Check. Destination: anywhere. We’re open to everything and anything and you best believe we’ll be blowing up Instagram in the process. By the end of 2021 the staff at the airport will know us by our first names and we’ll have enough air miles to book another trip.

Impressing with our cooking skills

After becoming master chefs in the past year it will be nice to prepare some food for someone other than our pets, who just sit with an unimpressed look on their faces. Friends, family, neighbours down the hall who we’ve never spoken to, come along, we’re cooking paella and yes it does smell delicious.

Turning off the lights at the home office

Many of us have spent the past year working from home. It had its charm for a while but quickly grew tiresome. Never again will we complain about the loud person in the office, the strange smells of others people’s food heating in the microwave or the bad coffee. We welcome all these things with open arms after a year working in our pyjamas.

Fewer Zoom calls

Timing out after 40 minutes, cameras not working, dodgy audio and people who don’t know how to use mute. We won’t miss meeting digitally at all. Not one bit. Nope.

Getting the party started

We’re certain that 2021 will be the year that we’ll never turn down an invitation to a social occasion. Birthdays, anniversaries, Maureen from finance’s cat’s birthday, we’ll take any socialising excuse we can get our hands on. When the big concerts finally come back,
we’ll see you in the mosh pit.