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Stuff we love that’d be even better on Mars

Start planning for life on the Red Planet

1 Dune bashing

There is no finer feeling when driving out into to the harshness of the desert than when the sand turns from pastel yellow to deep, burnt orange. It’s the first indicator that we’re about to have an intimate one-on-one with Mother Nature, a tango with more tos and fros than an indecisive influencer settling on the perfect filter. Now imagine that feeling as the sand turns a sensational shade of scarlet. Factor in the weakened gravity and hang time becomes a real flight of fancy. Filter not needed.

2 Long lunches

Dubai is a nexus for foodies. The array of international cuisine on the menu is mind-boggling, something the team at Time Out Towers are most thankful for. What is less fun, however, is the effect this dining out has on our waistline. It’s hard to ensure belts aren’t poked with more holes than a worm farm, but out there on the surface of our planetary neighbour, we’re laughing. Weaker gravitational pull means those bathroom scales are a lot less intimidating. And that means a lot more scope for long lunching. Sir, the dessert menu, please.

3 Sundowners

Sunsets in this part of the world are pretty special. With a cold drink in hand it is a truly unrivalled way to wave goodbye to the stresses of the day. But that doesn’t mean we don’t want to experience a true out-of-this-world sunset. Glinting across the vermillion sand, we’ve no doubt the colour spectrum would strike everyone slightly differently parked up on the Red Planet. Mars even has a very similar daily cycle to Earth, meaning you’d only ever have to wait around 40 minutes longer for that Insta moment. And you know what that means. Another round, anyone?

4 Meeting new faces

Journalists may be from another planet, but we can’t be the only example of life from elsewhere in the universe, right? The UAE has long been an open, welcoming and inclusive nation attracting foreign talent from all corners of the globe. The people here love connecting and sharing ideas, and long may that ethos carry us forward in our universal pursuit of pals. We’re not saying Mars is inhabited, but if it is we’re throwing out an official invite for a collab. Just leave the Mars Attacks vibes at home, OK, Mr Martian?