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5 times your mum was always right

Here’s why you should listen to your mum

1 When we messed about with our hair

Fashion magazine cover models can rock hot pink locks, so why can’t we? Well, the lack of cheek bones doesn’t help, neither does substituting a professional team of stylists for Aunt Patricia and a box of off-the-shelf hair dye. We’re all guilty of swerving Mum’s sage counsel when it comes to a risky new do, and now we’re paying the price with embarrassing prom night photos that will last a lifetime. 

2 When we fell out with our bestie

Friends have rows. Friends fall out. Friends block friends on Myspace. Mum told us not to over react when Molly didn’t invite us glamping, but did we listen? Instead we posted vague social media status about ‘knowing who are pals are’ and blocked stupid Molly for seeing it. Really quite counter-productive in retrospect, don’t ya think?  

3 When we thought we knew everything

Embarrassing climb downs are a frequent affair during the years of teenage kicks, and how we’d loved to boot our adolescent egos in the head looking back. The warning signs were clear: a sheepish Dad in the corner nodding along but fearful of entering the fray, Mum a picture of calm as we become more and more incensed. It’s a losing battle and by the time the pin has been pulled from the final grenade there’s egg dripping down our face. Luckily, she still loves us enough to whip us up an omelette for lunch.

4 When we thought we could go it alone

The race is long, as they say, and how naïve we were to think we could take every step solo. Be it friends or family, there comes a time when we ignore the better judgment of Super Mum to shun all others and blaze a trail – only for those dreams to be promptly doused by the realities of life. Soggy and shaken, tail between legs, we should never have ignored Madre.

When she said she’d get Dad

Mum may rule the roost, but she knows when to bring in the heavies. If Ma is calling for Pa to settle a dispute, consider yourself firmly in the endgame. We can be quick on our feet when we need to be. So much so that not even Usain Bolt could beat us up those stairs.