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Abu Dhabi’s Blank Canvas Community launches creative campaign during social distancing

A new way to share your creativity

As we all practice self-isolation, there’s a chance of going a little stir-crazy.

Whether it’s trying to learn a new hobby, learn a language, meditate or anything in-between, keeping busy helps to keep your mind healthy.

Looking to get your creativity flowing? An Abu Dhabi artistic collective has launched a new campaign to encourage you to share your passion and be part of the local artistic community.

The #WhatsYourAntidote initiative, by Blank Canvas Community, aims to bring together people from across the UAE to express themselves and share methods that help them cope with self-isolation and social distancing.

Keeping creativity alive, the creative collective is encouraging people to contribute, share their work, passion project or hobby.

To contribute, take a photo or video of whatever you’re working on, post it on Instagram of Facebook using the hashtag #thisismyantidote including a brief description that answers the question: What is your antidote?

You can also tag Blank Canvas Community in your posts so your work can be shared.

“Quarantine, social distancing… We are slowly getting used to the rhythm of this temporary phase. We have been staying informed regularly and the situation is the hot topic in all conversations,” explains Tanya Awad, co-founder of Blank Canvas Community.

“We would love to hear from the community and encourage people to share during this time. What is everyone up to during this phase of social distancing and quarantine? Could this be the silence and space some of us have been seeking? To finally start that painting, or take up a new hobby or skill.

“#thisismyantidote invites everyone to share what they are working on, whether it’s finished or not. We’ve been receiving short videos, pictures of paintings, poetry, writings, furniture being built, pictures of family time. It’s been so inspiring and much needed.

“In these challenging times, sharing with each other our antidotes to deal with social distancing and quarantine could really help another person out. Let’s share the love.”

Blank Canvas Community is also hosting art gathering and yoga live streams on social media so visit the page for details.

There’s plenty to get involved with. So, what’s your antidote? Check out the Facebook page here.