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Fancy a Syrian adventure?

Join the adventure of a lifetime from Damascus on May 24…

Love traveling? And trekking? And Syria? Then we have the holiday for you.

It’s, yes, you guessed it, a trekking tour of Syria, starting in Damascus on May 24.

Taking in the classic sites of Damascus, Palmyra, Hama, Homs, Aleppo, St. Simon’s Citadel, Apamea and Crac de Chevalier you’ll also hike through the atmospheric Dead Cities and camel trek across the Palmyra Steppe before heading back to the UAE on June 3.

You like? There’s more.

The adventure starts in Damascus, the world’s oldest capital city, where you will wander through ancient alleyways and souqs. Next, you’ll visit the Ummayed mosque and Azim Palace and dine in a traditional Damacene house.

After that, you’ll join Bedouin guides at the Sukar Palace for a two day camel trek to the ancient ruins of Palmyra.

Next, you’ll pass through Homs and Hama before starting your trek at Aien La Rose overlooking the Sahel Aighab valley. Now comes the tough bit.

You’ll spend the next three days trekking through the many Dead Cities, camping amongst the ruins and eating in local homes but there will be time to take in some sites, you’ll also visit the Ebla archeological site en route to Aleppo with its impressive citadel.

Next up is St. Simon’s citadel, Apamea and the famous crusader castle “Crac de Chavalier’. Eventually you’ll arrive back in Damascus for a final night in a traditional hotel and, most probably, a big old sleep.

So, you fancy it? The trip is Dhs6950 including all accommodation, meals, transport and entrance fees. It doesn’t include flights, the group will be meeting at Damascus Airport and everyone’s welcome.

Check out the sights you’ll see here.

For flight ideas and a detailed itinerary contact