Posted inReviews

The Tavern

One of Abu Dhabi’s old-shcool British-style watering hole

The Tavern
The Tavern

Abu Dhabi is packed full of amazing places to enjoy a night out. We’re lucky enough to have a host of chic, picturesque and happening venues where you can enjoy a mixed drink in beautiful surroundings with amazing views.

Pop on your fanciest clothes, pose for a few snaps and you’ll be making people on your social media channels jealous as you enjoy the best of the city’s nightlife.

There are other venues, too, of course. The kind that don’t have ultra-modern décor, the drinks are cheap, the surroundings humble and the vibe far more relaxed and casual.

While we love to put on our best clobber and live the high life, equally, we enjoy heading out in shorts and a T-shirt to enjoy a drink without fuss in a proper old-fashioned pub. The sort of places where asking for a mixed drink may raise an eyebrow from the staff and there’s always football on the TV.

Heading out to revisit one of the city’s longest-standing and ever popular pubs, we’re excited to leave any pretensions behind and settle in to watch some sport.

The Tavern has been a popular pub in this city for as far back as we can remember. Squint your eyes until you walk inside and you could easily be fooled that you’re in the UK, frequenting a local pub with a share of regulars from the surrounding community.

It really doesn’t seem like the décor has changed much over the decades it’s been serving drinks but we don’t really care, it’s honest, it’s unpretentious and it’s great.

We take our seats on a mid-week evening and there’s a good crowd in. Businessmen enjoying a post-office tipple and hotel guests enjoying a bite and a drink.

We’re delighted to hear that there are hops for Dhs20 on offer and we order two, soon followed by another pair as we watch the football on the screens.

There’s no pool table or darts board, which is perhaps a bit of a surprise given the type of place it is. But it gives you chance to sit at your table, chatting with friends while classic rock plays in the background.

Four drinks during happy hour will give you change from a Dhs100 note. That’s a winner in our book.

Nothing much has changed here since our last visit and we hope it doesn’t anytime soon. Never change, The Tavern, we like you just the way you are.

An old-shcool British-style watering hole

The cosy atmosphere and sense of belonging


Corniche Road - United Arab Emirates
04 370 8999
Al Markaziya
Sunday: 12:00 PM TO 1:00 AM
Monday: 12:00 PM TO 1:00 AM
Tuesday: 12:00 PM TO 1:00 AM
Wednesday: 12:00 PM TO 1:00 AM
Thursday: 12:00 PM TO 1:00 AM
Friday: 12:00 PM TO 1:00 AM
Saturday: 12:00 PM TO 1:00 AM

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