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Where to see turtles in the UAE

Celebrating world turtle day with the UAE’s best turtle spots

Have you always wanted to see a wild sea turtle?

They’re not such a rare sight in the UAE, where they are often found cruising through the warm coastal waters of Jumeirah and Khor Fakkan, hunting for jellies. Saadiyat beach is also famously home to several Hawksbill nests each year with hundreds of baby turtles hatching to race towards the ocean.

In the spirit of World Turtle Day, we have a list of places to see the UAE’s sea turtles, along with ways you can help with their conservation.

Where can I see the turtles?

Wild turtles: Saadiyat Beach

There are no guarantees, but Saadiyat is your best bet for finding a wild sea turtle on land. Take a trip to Saadiyat Beach, which is a nesting ground for breeding Hawksbill turtles. You might spot a female dragging herself up the beach to build her nest, or see the baby turtles making a break for the ocean. Even if you don’t spot a wild turtle, the white sands and clear blue water will more than make up for it.

Turtles in recovery: Turtle Rehabilitation Sanctuary

Visit Jumeirah Al Naseem to see the turtles that are being rehabilitated. You can watch them swim around in a lagoon and feed them while the wildlife rehabilitation team monitors their final stages of recovery before releasing them into UAE waters. Since 2004 the Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation programme has released over 1,950 turtles.
For more information visit

Coming soon: the National Aquarium

Did you know the National Aquarium in Abu Dhabi, the largest aquarium in the Middle East, is opening a turtle rehab centre? They have been working on conserving sea turtle populations in the UAE since 2001, and the populations of Hawksbill and Green Turtles have been stable for the past decade as a result. The aquarium isn’t open to the public yet, but you can be sure we’ll be there as soon as it is.
For more information visit

How to help with UAE turtle conservation:

Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD) have set up a hotline for stranded turtles. Around 300 turtles are found each year; some are “cold shocked,” which means they’ve been disorientated by changing temperatures, and others have barnacle growths that make it difficult for them to swim.

If you find a stranded sea turtle, you can call 800 555 to make sure it gets safely back to the big ole blue.

For more information visit

Calling all animal lovers, you’ll find all the best places to encounter wildlife in the UAE with this list.

Give me some fin. Noggin. Duuuude.

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