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UAE COVID update: Al Hosn green status: hands showing green pass on mobile phones

Your COVID questions answered: from Al Hosn green pass to when to get booster jabs

A quick guide from how to cross borders in the UAE to when to get your next vaccine

As airports and boarders begin to open, and the world learns to ‘live with COVID-19’, it’s more pertinent than ever to stay up-to-date with current COVID-19 regulations in the UAE.

We could all use a little reminder, so here are the most common COVID-related questions answered.

For where to get vaccinated in each of the Emirates, click here.

How does Al Hosn work in Dubai and Abu Dhabi?

Although not mandatory to download, it is strongly recommended that everyone in the UAE uses Al Hosn, the country’s official app for COVID-related health testing and contact tracing. Al Hosn provides users with access to COVID test results, issues a notification if they come into contact with a confirmed case and provides vaccination information and downloadable certificates.

The status of your Al Hosn app (grey, green or red) depends on your vaccination record and PCR test results.

It was announced earlier in June that Al Hosn users can log in to the app via the UAE Pass. The UAE Pass is the first national digital identity pass. It allows users to identify themselves via a smartphone-based application.

Having a green pass on the Al Hosn app is still required to enter public places in Abu Dhabi, including shopping malls, exhibitions and restaurants.

As of this writing, the latest regulations stipulate that in order to maintain the green pass status you must be fully vaccinated (have two COVID vaccination doses and a booster shot to those who qualify) and have a negative PCR result within the last 14 days in Abu Dhabi.  

If you’re officially exempt from vaccination, you must have a negative PCR test result from the previous seven days in order for your status to remain green.

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The Al Hosn app is available to downloaded in Arabic, English and Hindi from the App Store, Google Play, Huawei App Gallery and the Galaxy Store for free.

Another useful app to have in Dubai is the C19 DXB Smart app, which is mandatory to download if you have tested positive and are isolating at home. It also gives important guidelines on home isolation, violations and fines, symptoms to watch out for and more useful information relevant to COVID-19.

What are the procedures for close contact cases in Dubai?

A close contact is defined as someone who spends 15 minutes or longer within a metre or less of a person who tests positive for COVID. This applies regardless of whether they were wearing a mask or not during the interaction and if social distancing rules were followed.

You will also be considered a close contact if you come into direct physical contact (handshake, hug, touching on the arm etc.) with a positive case two days before they showed symptoms or received a positive PCR test result, or if you interact with them at any point during their 10 day illness/isolation period.

If you do identify yourself as a close contact, you must quarantine in an isolated room, ideally at home, for seven days. If you don’t show any symptoms of COVID you do not need to take a PCR test. If you do become symptomatic, you must book as PCR test. If the result comes back positive, you will need to isolate for 10 days.

While it is advised for family members and close contacts to stay away from confirmed cases in separate rooms, close contacts do not need to isolate at home if they are asymptomatic.

Once you have completed the isolation period, you can request a letter confirming this by calling the DHA toll-free on 800342.

What are the protocols for close contacts in Abu Dhabi?

In March 2022, Abu Dhabi updated its close contact procedures. There are different protocols if you test negative and if you test positive. If your PCR test result is positive, the procedures then depend on whether you’re in a high-risk category (have symptoms, have a chronic disease, are aged 50 and older, or are pregnant) or you are considered low-risk (any other categories).

To read the new Abu Dhabi close contact procedures click here.

How long do I have to wait to get a booster after getting COVID?

According to the official Al Hosn Twitter page, anyone who has recently tested positive for COVID (with two consecutive positive PCR tests) is exempt from getting the booster jab for 90 days from that positive result and will still maintain their green pass status during that time.

Does Al Hosn work when travelling internationally?

The recently added Al Hosn Travel Pass is accepted by all EU DCC member countries and IATA travel pass members. Travellers will need to check individual airlines and destination countries for specific requirements and to confirm that they accept the Al Hosn Travel Pass.