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Brilliant Abu Dhabi sports bars to watch a game and have a drink in

Try these Time Out-recommended venues

If you’re anything like us, then you’re no stranger to phoning a venue to ask if they’re showing the match.

Some people say football is just a game but to us it can be the main factor in helping us to decide where we are going on an evening.

Ready to check out some cool sports bars in Abu Dhabi?

Try these three Time Out-recommended venues.

Easy Tiger

We’ve got something of a soft spot for this bar and restaurant out of admiration for its no fuss approach – although the kitchen does throw the occasional curve ball on the menu, with innovative choices when it comes to food.
To read the full review click here.


Offside has typical sporting memorabilia on the walls, including some Andy Warhol-style skateboards, and screens, lots of screens, which is handy when you want to watch a match.
To read the full review click here.

The Sportsman’s Arms

You’d be forgiven when planning a night out with friends, or looking for a nice place to enjoy a quiet drink, for overlooking a massive sports complex as the place to be. Once inside you’ll realise that the family-friendly bar and restaurant has lots to offer whether you’ve been working up a sweat or not.
To read the full review click here.

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