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South Korean food near the bus station

From Time Out Abu Dhabi Eating Out 2010

For the uninitiated, Korean cuisine is a rambunctious affair, as notable for its spicy treats as for its communal fun, and Hankook – Abu Dhabi’s only example – is a great place to start. With its painted glass doors and unusual location, Hankook looks like a Korean travel agent’s office – an appearance perpetuated by the office-like interior. As with traditional Japanese restaurants, diners are filed away in little compartments, only accessible once you’ve removed your shoes. Don’t be alarmed by the gas stoves set into each table; bulgogi, a popular meat dish, requires that you cook the raw meat yourself with long silver chopsticks. It’s all in good fun anyway. If you’re new to Korean food, it’s worth getting a selection.

Kimchi, the spicy cabbage that arrives before you’ve even ordered, is the staple dish at any Korean table. It gives off quite an odour, but persevere – if it gets your brow sweaty, it is high quality stuff. For the cautious customer, kimchijeon (kimchi pancake) is fairly harmless, but for something different, try the steaming bowls of bibimbap.Cooked in still-sizzling stone bowls, this hodge-podge of rice, mountain vegetables and mince tastes all the better when doused in the red sauce that lurks at the side of your tray. Thank goodness for well-kept secrets.


Ericsson, Haza Bin Zayed the 1st Street (Defence Road)
+971 2 642 3399
Al Nahyan
Asian Korean
Sunday: 11:30 AM TO 22:30 PM
Monday: 11:30 AM TO 22:30 PM
Tuesday: 11:30 AM TO 22:30 PM
Wednesday: 11:30 AM TO 22:30 PM
Friday: 11:30 AM TO 22:30 PM
Saturday: 11:30 AM TO 22:30 PM

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Posted inFood & DrinkReviews


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