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Abu Dhabi’s Etihad Airways launches campaign to help refugees affected by COVID 19

Donate guest miles and help those in need with the UAE’s national carrier

The UAE’s national carrier, Abu Dhabi’s Etihad Airways has launched a new campaign to help people affected by the coronavirus.

Etihad Guest is encouraging members to donate their Etihad Guest miles to help support efforts to provide support to refugees affected by the global outbreak.

The campaign, launched in partnership with United Nations Refugee Agency (UHNCR) and Emirates Red Crescent, will help support basic infection control and containment measures for refugees and displaced people around the world.

Donated miles will go towards the purchase of essential medical equipment including ventilators, gloves, masks and soap.

Those who donate will also receive information detailing the monetary value of their miles and how they have helped those in need.

“In these extraordinary times, we need to demonstrate solidarity and cooperation to support those in need. Coronavirus does not discriminate and hits the most vulnerable the hardest,” said Robin Kamark, CCO of Etihad Aviation Group.

“Our members have always been so charitable when donating miles and we thank them in advance for continuing to be so generous with their hard-earned miles”.
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