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Everywhere Etihad Airways is flying to right now

Abu Dhabi’s Etihad Airways to trial new technology to test for COVID-19 symptoms

The tests are expected to begin this month

New technology is set to be trialled in Abu Dhabi Airport to identify medical conditions, including the early stages of COVID-19.

Etihad Airway has partnered with Australian company Elenium Automation to trial the new technology at self-service desks in the UAE capital.

It is the first airline to use the equipment, which will monitor temperature, heart rate and respiratory rates in passengers at self-service points, including check-in and bag drop.

The system will automatically suspend self check-in or bag drop if a passenger’s vital signs are showing symptoms of illness.

Etihad will trial the technology at Abu Dhabi Airport at the end of April and throughout May with a range of volunteers as flights resume with outbound passengers.

“This technology is not designed or intended to diagnose medical conditions,” said Jorg Oppermann, vice president hub and midfield operations at Etihad Airways.

“It is an early warning indicator which will help to identify people with general symptoms, so that they can be further assessed by medical experts, potentially preventing the spread of some conditions to others preparing to board flights to multiple destinations.

“We are testing this technology because we believe it will not only help in the current COVID-19 outbreak, but also into the future, with assessing a passenger’s suitability to travel and thus minimising disruptions.

“At Etihad we see this is another step towards ensuring that future viral outbreaks do not have the same devastating effect on the global aviation industry as is currently the case.”

Etihad Airways recently launched a new campaign to help people affected by the coronavirus.

Abu Dhabi’s airline also recently announced the resumption of limited flights from the UAE capital.