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Abu Dhabi updates green list for travel to the UAE capital
Abu Dhabi updates green list for travel to the UAE capital

Abu Dhabi updates Green List for travel to the UAE capital

Ten countries can enjoy quarantine-free travel

Abu Dhabi’s green list of countries who can travel to the UAE capital without having to quarantine has been updated.

Passengers travelling from countries on the green list do not need to quarantine on arrival in the UAE capital, while arrivals from all other countries must quarantine for ten days.

Updated on Monday February 22, the green list now features ten countries with some nations being removed from the list.

Countries removed from the green list include Mongolia and Saudi Arabia.

Everyone who’s travelling to Abu Dhabi will need to have a PCR test at the airport on arrival.

Some passengers may have to have a test before departure, too, so be sure to check before travelling.

Abu Dhabi’s green list is updated regularly and changes based on the health measures and safety in countries of origin.

As of Monday February 22, the full list of green list countries are:

• Australia
• Bhutan
• Brunei
• China
• Greenland
• Hong Kong (SAR)
• Iceland
• Mauritius
• New Zealand
• Singapore

For the most up to date information on travelling to Abu Dhabi click here.

To see the green list click here.

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