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New radar system to target tailgating among Abu Dhabi drivers

Drivers need to be aware of the rules

Abu Dhabi Police has launched a new system to try and stop drivers from tailgating on the capital’s roads.

From January 15, a smart system using radar will detect vehicles found to breaking the rules.

Tailgating, if you weren’t aware, is when a driver gets so close to the car in front that there is no safe stopping distance, increasing the chances of a traffic accident.

Targeting unsafe drivers and aiming to eliminate bad behaviour on the roads, the new system will detect the distances between vehicles, and those who are seen to be an unsafe distance from the car in front will face fines.

A fine of Dhs400 will be given to drivers found guilty of dangerous driving, as well as four black points.

In other news, the Abu Dhabi road tolls are now in use in the city and those who are unregistered or have had problems registering have been given a three-month grace period to sort their account.

Drivers have also been reminded to ensure child safety on the roads and not to use mobile phone while in control of a vehicle.