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Stunning visitors’ centre to be built at Abu Dhabi’s Al Watba Wetland Reserve

The new centre will join the observation tower

We were excited last summer when plans to open a flamingo observation tower at Al Wathba Wetland Reserve were announced.

Offering you the chance to spot the pink birds that call the UAE capital home, the new tower is set to be constructed on the wetland reserve.

The design ‘Flamingo Dreams’, designed by Australian-based architects Bryan Fan and Shelley Xu, features a giant birds nest-like observation tower, designed to look like a thicket of grass that will allow amazing view over the huge wetland reserve.

Now, images of a brand new visitor centre for the wetland reserve have also been released and we can’t wait to see it all come together.

Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) and Bee Breeders launched a global design competition for the visitors centre and the winning design was created by a team from the Czech Republic.

The design, dubbed ‘To See and Not Be Seen’, is a lichen covered structure will blend into the landscape and keep itself cool under the UAE sun.

To find out more about the design and to see the other shortlisted and winning entries visit