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What indoor sports to try when you’re up against the clock

HIIT, bikram yoga, skiing and more

In a race against the clock? Don’t be. Here are five ways to maximise your time with Abu Dhabi’s epic range of indoor sports.

10 minutes is more than enough time to get a HIIT sweat on

Ever since social media fitness star Joe Wicks came along and told us that getting into shape was no sweat (pun very much intended), everyone has been at pains to fit a quick workout into their daily routine. Before work, after work, during a suspiciously long coffee break, however you can get it in – get it in. Better yet, get it done more efficiently with a personal trainer. It hurts to pay someone to tell us to pick things up and put them down again, but they get results. You’ll see it in the mirror.   
Where to try it: Prices vary.

45 on the clock? Get yourself down to a bootcamp

When a company bills a class as life changing, it needs to produce the goods. F45 has received rave reviews for its intense team-centric fitness sessions, and there isn’t a soul we’ve spoken to with a bad word to say about the work going down in their lively studios. Classes comprise 45 minutes (trust us, it feels longer than you think) of heart pumping action set across pillars of cardio, resistance and the energy-sapping hybrid of the two. Expect to feel the heat but revel in a wicked team mentality that gets you through the darkest reps.
Where to try it: From Dhs105. (056 332 31130).

60 minutes makes for two 30 minute-halves of indoor football

These pitches are absolute carpets and a firm favourite among Time Out eds. Camp Nou? Old hat. The Maracanã? Seen it. But chopping inside and launching a left-peg howitzer into the top corner at The Dome is something to savour.
Where to try it: From Dhs400. Zone 1, Rowdhat, (02 447 0754).

90 minutes can see all your troubles melt away at Bikram yoga

Just in case the desert sun wasn’t hot enough, why not turn things up a notch with an exhaustive but oh-so-good hot yoga class? Expect your troubles, and your appendages, to melt away (or feel like
it anyway).
Where to try it: From Dhs80. Mangrove One Compound, (02 562 1217).

Couple of hours spare? Grab you skates and hit the ice

It’s about as wacky a sporting activity you can pick up in Abu Dhabi, but if you can stick a triple Salchow, boy will you look sub-zero levels of cool. For the rest, there’s no harm in clinging onto the handrail for dear life.
Where to try it: From Dhs55. Zayed Sports City, (02 403 4200).