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3rd Avenue

An old-school British pub in Downtown Abu Dhabi

3rd Avenue
3rd Avenue

If any Brits in Abu Dhabi are missing the experience of visiting an old-school British pub, we’ve got some good news for you.
We’ve found a place in Abu Dhabi that wouldn’t look out of place in the suburbs of any industrial British city (if you ignore the fact that it’s about 40°C outside).

Found in the Khalidiyah area of  Downtown, you enter 3rd Avenue straight from the street, which makes a change from the usual experience of shuffling awkwardly through some fancy hotel lobby.

With a bright red telephone box guarding the entrance, it’s obvious before we even open the door that it’s taken the British theme very seriously.

Walking in, it feels like we’ve stepped back in time.

The pub is decked out with large leather armchairs, dark wooden cabinets and some muted 70s-style tiling.

It’s clear that while most bars in the capital seem obsessed with keeping up with the latest trends, this place is trying to do totally the opposite.

In fact, it’s almost so retro it’s cool. We certainly know some hipsters who would love it.

We settle on stools at the bar where we’re thrilled to find it’s happy hour, with hops, grapes and premium beverages all going for less than Dhs20.

We further warm to the place when a plate of carrot sticks and cucumber slices is placed in front of us (we can never resist a healthy snack), and our affection is firmly cemented when we discover that there’s no charge to use the pool table.

After a while we stop noticing the slightly smoky atmosphere, and simply enjoy having a night out that’s as unpretentious as they come. It’s the perfect spot for a few quiet drinks.

An old-school British pub in Downtown Abu Dhabi

For the nostaligic feel, huge plates of pub grub and cheaper-than-average drinks


Khalidya Street
02 666 6220
Al Khalidiya
Sunday: 12:00 PM TO 1:00 AM
Monday: 12:00 PM TO 1:00 AM
Tuesday: 12:00 PM TO 1:00 AM
Wednesday: 12:00 PM TO 1:00 AM
Thursday: 12:00 PM TO 1:00 AM
Friday: 12:00 PM TO 1:00 AM
Saturday: 12:00 PM TO 1:00 AM

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